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Este estudio ofrece una visión preliminar de la amplia gama de cuestiones políticas relativas a la subrogación como una práctica a nivel nacional, europeo y mundial. Analiza detenidamente los enfoques jurídicos nacionales relacionados con la subrogación. También analiza el Derecho de la Unión Europea existente y la legislación de la Convención Europea de Derechos Humanos para determinar cuáles son las obligaciones y posibilidades que rodean a la subrogación nacional y transnacional. El estudio concluye ...

Surrogacy is an increasingly common reproductive practice. Today, stories about surrogacy regularly appear in popular culture and news outlets, while the number of organisations offering surrogacy services is clearly on the rise, as is the number of cases involving surrogacy in courts across the EU. Surrogacy raises important legal issues, such as whether surrogacy contracts should be enforceable, as well as questions pertaining to the legal parenthood of a child born to a surrogate mother and his ...

The note presents the main challenges to the national jurisdictions in the EU resulting from the advance in medicine, free movement and children’s rights as well as the current legal position across EU member states on legal parenthood with a focus on surrogacy arrangements. Their cross-border implications are addressed with a view on possible EU action.