

Mostrando 9 de 9 resultados

The EU's outermost regions qualify for special treatment owing to structural difficulties, such as remoteness, difficult topography or economic dependence on a few products, which can severely hamper their development. Specific support mechanisms exist under cohesion, agricultural and fisheries policies, with the Commission outlining measures aimed at assisting outermost regions in its communications published in 2004, 2008, and 2012. Nevertheless, with the outermost regions continuing to face numerous ...

An own-initiative report on the management of the fishing fleets in the Outermost Regions is scheduled to be voted during the April II plenary session. The report looks into the possibilities of modernising the Outermost Regions' fleets, while ensuring sustainable fishing in these regions.

Las regiones ultraperiféricas de la Unión tienen derecho a recibir un trato especial debido a las dificultades estructurales a las que se enfrentan, como por ejemplo su gran lejanía, difícil topografía o dependencia económica de algunos productos, que pueden obstaculizar gravemente su desarrollo. Las políticas en materia de cohesión, agricultura y pesca disponen de mecanismos específicos y la Comisión publicó una Comunicación en 2012 en la que se establece el modo de trabajar en asociación con las ...

This study provides a detailed analysis of the fisheries for tuna and other large pelagic fish in the Outermost Regions of the European Union. It reviews the fishery sector and the status of relevant fish stocks in each region, and assesses the economic dependency on tuna canning and related activities. It identifies the opportunities and threats to tuna canning, and discusses how measures under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy can help to contribute to the survival of this important sector.

EU funding for the outermost regions

De un vistazo 25-02-2015

Outermost regions (ORs) are an integral part of the European Union (EU) and as such have access to all EU funding instruments and programmes. In addition, owing to their particular geographical location, they are entitled to specific treatment aimed at mitigating the impact of their structural disadvantages.

This Implementation Appraisal focuses on Regulation 228/2013 on laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union and repealing Regulation 247/2006, which is the basic act for the POSEI regime. POSEI - the French acronym for Programmes dʼOptions Spécifiques à lʼEloignement et à lʼInsularité - is a scheme that supports the incomes of farmers and the supply of essential products to the outermost regions of the European Union. The scheme ...

A great diversity of spatial structures, transport systems and needs can be observed in the Outermost Regions (ORs) of the EU. Interurban transport as a means for developing the inland market of ORs would deserve more, and especially better-designed, support. Ideally, modern new regional transport authorities applying innovative solutions would avail themselves of better EU funding opportunities for both planning and operations.

La pesca en las Islas Canarias

Estudio 15-03-2013

La presente nota ha sido solicitada por la Comisión de Pesca para la Delegación enviada a las Islas Canarias (del 28 de abril al 1 de mayo de 2013). La nota proporciona un resumen del estado actual del sector pesquero canario y describe sus principales características, especialmente en lo que respecta a la gestión de la pesca, la producción, la flota pesquera y el comercio de productos pesqueros.

Esta nota ha sido redactada como documento de apoyo para la delegación de la comisión de agricultura y desarrollo rural del Parlamento Europeo en su desplazamiento a las Islas Canarias de agosto de 2011. Consta de: 1) una parte introductoria, que presenta los principales datos físicos y unos apuntes históricos; 2) un capítulo específico dedicado al marco político y económico de las Islas; y 3) un tercer capítulo, que analiza la agricultura canaria en el marco de la Unión Europea, sus principales ...