

Mostrando 7 de 7 resultados

The IA argues that existing GMO legislation is not fit for purpose for plants and their food and feed products developed using certain new genomic techniques (NGTs) and that their resulting limited uptake in the EU might lead to missed opportunities to reach the EU's sustainability objectives. It suggests four policy options (POs) in addition to the baseline and assesses their economic, environmental and social/health impacts. The assessment is predominantly qualitative and is based on the stakeholders ...

What if we grew plants vertically?

De un vistazo 15-12-2022

By 2050, an estimated two thirds of the world population will live in urban areas. Could vertical farming help feed this growing urban population sustainably by reducing the demand for agricultural land and shortening the travel distance between food production and consumption?

La Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural del Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado un informe de propia iniciativa con el que se pretende alentar a la Comisión a apoyar la innovación agrícola, que se considera necesaria para aumentar tanto la productividad como la sostenibilidad del sector.

En el transcurso del período parcial de sesiones de junio I se debatirá y someterá a votación un informe de propia iniciativa sobre soluciones tecnológicas para una agricultura sostenible. En un contexto de cambio climático, de incremento de la demanda de alimentos como resultado del aumento de la población mundial y de amenazas al medio ambiente, el informe sugiere que la innovación en la tecnología agrícola reviste una importancia fundamental para hacer frente a algunos de los mayores desafíos ...

Known as Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), drones have become increasingly present due to a sharp drop in production costs, as a consequence of recent innovations in light-weight materials, on-board computers, batteries and fuel tanks. Since their inception, drones have been developed for military purposes, with the inclusion of weapons in them, as well as for surveillance and policing efforts. Recently, however, other uses have proliferated, in the fields of ...

Precision Agriculture (PA) is a whole-farm management approach using information technology, satellite positioning (GNSS) data, remote sensing and proximal data gathering. These technologies have the goal of optimising returns on inputs whilst potentially reducing environmental impacts. The state-of-the-art of PA on arable land, permanent crops and within dairy farming are reviewed, mainly in the European context, together with some economic aspects of the adoption of PA. Options to address PA ...

The Impact of Biotechnology on Developing Countries

Análisis en profundidad 14-02-2013

Modified (GM) crops are increasingly grown in developing countries and can lead to socioeconomic benefits and costs depending on where and how they are adopted. After examining conventional assessments of farm-level indicators such as: yield increase, pesticide costs, farmers' incomes from GM crops, the paper goes on to argue that a variety of structural issues at the national and international level have to be considered in order to obtain a comprehensive picture on the potential which GM crops ...