

Mostrando 10 de 19 resultados

On 1 March 2023, the European Commission published its legislative proposal on driving licences – a matter of EU competence – with the purpose of enabling the free movement of persons and goods throughout the EU by modernising the driving licence system. This involves making driving licence rules future-proof, improving road safety and simplifying the rules for those wanting to get a driving licence. The proposal provides for accompanied driving for young learners, zero tolerance for drink- driving ...

International aviation agreements

De un vistazo 04-10-2019

To tackle international air transport challenges in the European Union, particularly increased competition from third countries, the European Commission adopted a new aviation strategy for Europe in December 2015, placing strong emphasis on international aviation agreements. After obtaining negotiating mandates from Council, a number of EU-level comprehensive agreements are coming to fruition, with some now awaiting signature or ratification. This is an updated and expanded edition of an ‘at a glance ...

The European Union aims to ensure that road transport rules are applied effectively and without discrimination. The current rules governing the access to the international market for coach and bus services appear to have been only partly effective in promoting this mode of transport. There are still differences in rules on access to national markets, differences in openness of national markets, diverse national access arrangements and discrimination in access to terminals in some EU countries. In ...

This overview of the transport and tourism sectors in China was prepared to provide information for the mission of the Committee on Transport and Tourism to the country between 30 October and 2 November 2018.

En mayo de 2017, como parte de la iniciativa «Europa en movimiento», la Comisión Europea presentó un conjunto de tres propuestas para actualizar las normas sociales y de mercado en el sector del transporte por carretera. En junio de 2018, la Comisión de Transportes y Turismo (TRAN) del Parlamento Europeo aprobó los informes en relación con las propuestas, además del mandato para iniciar las negociaciones tripartitas. Sin embargo, en la sesión plenaria de junio, el Parlamento no aprobó los mandatos ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above mentioned proposal, submitted on 8 November 2017 and referred to Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism. Bus and coach transport is an economical, efficient and sustainable mode of transport that can contribute to reducing emissions and to improving accessibility for citizens with low income or living in isolated and low population density ...

CO2 emissions from aviation

Briefing 23-01-2018

CO2 emissions from all flights to and from airports in the European Economic Area (EEA) have been included in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) since 2012. Although this would include flights between an airport within the EEA and an airport outside it, the application of the ETS to such flights was temporarily suspended, until the end of 2016, to allow for the development of emission-reduction measures with a global scope by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and to avoid conflicts ...

Las emisiones de carbono procedentes de la aviación han aumentado con rapidez, y se espera que sigan incrementándose. Desde 2012, el régimen de comercio de derechos de emisión de la UE (RCDE) se aplica a los vuelos con destino u origen en aeropuertos del Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE). Entretanto, la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI) ha venido elaborando una medida de mercado mundial (MMM) para compensar el aumento de las emisiones procedentes de la aviación internacional después ...

Regulation 1073/2009 lays down the rules applicable to access to the international market for coach and bus services. Research of available documentation shows that there are various challenges to the present system that limit harmonisation in this particular field, including differences in rules on access to national markets across Member States, different openness of national markets and diverse national arrangements negatively influencing free provision of services in the field of transport. The ...