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Entre 2020 y 2022, la iniciativa ciudadana europea (ICE) «Stop Finning – Stop the trade» (Prohibición del cercenamiento de las aletas de los tiburones — Prohibición del comercio) recogió más de 1 100 000 firmas. La ICE pide que se prohíba el comercio de aletas de tiburón y raya dentro de la UE y desde ella. El Parlamento Europeo, tras una audiencia celebrada sobre esta cuestión en marzo de 2023, la debatirá en su período parcial de sesiones de mayo I.

Multiannual fisheries management plans are essential tools for the sustainable exploitation of marine resources, offering better predictability over time and a framework for improved cooperation between Member States at sea basin level. As part of a series of such plans adopted since the last reform of the common fisheries policy, the European Commission put forward, in February 2017, a proposal for a multiannual plan intended to manage fisheries of small pelagic fish stocks (anchovy and sardine) ...

The European Parliament and Council have adopted a new multiannual plan for the western Mediterranean fisheries exploiting several stocks of fish and crustaceans living close to the sea bottom (i.e. 'demersal fisheries'). Most of these stocks have long been overfished and are now in an alarming state. The new plan aims to reverse this trend and ensure that fishing activities are environmentally sustainable, and capable of securing economic and social benefits. It concerns fishing fleets from Italy ...

The European Parliament and Council adopted a new multiannual plan for management of fisheries in the Western Waters, an area of the north-east Atlantic along the western coast of the EU. The plan covers fisheries exploiting stocks of fish and crustaceans living close to the sea bottom (i.e. 'demersal fisheries'), including several deep-sea stocks. It aims to ensure that these stocks are exploited sustainably and that their management is based on the most up-to-date scientific information. The fishing ...

A la luz de la evaluaci6n de impacto inicial de la Comisi6n Europea que acompana a su propuesta de plan plurianual para la gesti6n de la pesca demersal en el Mediterraneo Occidental (COM(2018) 115 final), la Comisi6n de Pesca del Parlamento Europeo solicit6 a la Unidad de Evaluaci6n de lmpacto Ex Ante del Servicio de Estudios del Parlamento Europeo que presentase un analisis complementario centrado en las efectos socioecon6micos en las pafses afectados par la propuesta de plan plurianual (Espana, ...

Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia on the eastern Indochina Peninsula, with a population just over 93.6 million, it is the eighth-most-populous Asian country. There are four main fishing areas in Vietnam: the Gulf of Tonkin, shared with China; the Central area; the South-eastern area; and the South-western area (part of the Gulf of Thailand), shared with Cambodia and Thailand. According to the 2016 report of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Vietnam is the third ...

Este estudio presenta el estado de la modelización pesquera en el mar de Liguria, el mar Tirreno y el mar de Cerdeña (clasificación de subzonas geográficas de la CGPM: SZG 9, 10 y 11). Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, presentamos una síntesis de los efectos probables del rendimiento máximo sostenible y la obligación de desembarque en las flotas que explotan las pesquerías demersales en este ecosistema.

Las pesquerías demersales del mar Mediterráneo sufren una importante sobrepesca, pero la obligación de desembarque no contribuirá a lograr el RMS, porque no reducirá la mortalidad por pesca. La nueva propuesta de la Comisión introduce el total admisible de esfuerzo pesquero como nueva forma de regular las pesquerías demersales del Mediterráneo Occidental, mediante la reducción significativa del tiempo de pesca. Sin embargo, esta nueva medida de gestión debe complementarse con una mayor selectividad ...

The Commission is proposing a revision of the Fisheries Control System to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency by adapting it to the prevailing legal situation and to current technological possibilities in the field of fisheries control. This initial appraisal of the Commission’s impact assessment accompanying the proposal views the impact assessment as a well-balanced, comprehensive and transparent analysis based on sound data and research which makes a persuasive case for the proposal.

The European Parliament and Council have adopted a new multiannual plan to manage fisheries in the North Sea and some adjacent maritime areas. The plan covers demersal species (i.e. species living close to the sea bottom). These stocks are exploited by various fishing fleets using various fishing gear, but often catching different species together (mixed fisheries). The North Sea demersal fisheries are conducted by several thousand EU vessels, mainly from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands ...