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La principal vía a través de la cual la Unión Europea (UE) contribuye a reforzar la paz y la seguridad en el mundo es su política común de seguridad y defensa (PCSD). Esta política, consagrada en el Tratado de Lisboa, es el marco principal desde el que los Estados miembros de la Unión adoptan medidas conjuntas en materia de seguridad y defensa. El Parlamento Europeo tiene previsto votar durante el periodo parcial de sesiones de enero de 2021 el informe anual sobre la aplicación de la PCSD en 2020 ...

En febrero de 2016, la Comisión adoptó una propuesta relativa a la revisión del reglamento sobre la seguridad del suministro de gas de 2010. A raíz de las negociaciones tripartitas celebradas a comienzos de 2017, se llegó a un texto conjunto que fue respaldado por la Comisión de Industria, Investigación y Energía (ITRE) en mayo de 2017. Está previsto que el Parlamento vote este texto durante el periodo parcial de sesiones de septiembre de 2017.

The concept of hybrid threat has gained traction in relation to Russia’s actions in Ukraine and the ISIL/Da’esh campaigns going far beyond Syria and Iraq. Faced with this constantly evolving challenge, the European Union and NATO have taken several steps to strengthen their respective capabilities and pursue common objectives through closer cooperation. The EU-NATO joint declaration adopted in July 2016 in the margins of the Warsaw NATO Summit represents a clear step forward in this regard. The document ...

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, France requested aid and assistance from the other Member States based on Article 42(7) TEU. This represented the first activation of the mutual assistance clause since the Lisbon Treaty introduced it in 2009. Member States expressed their solidarity and political support to France instantly and unanimously. Within days, several Member States, including Germany and the United Kingdom, decided on a series of contributions. More decisions ...

El presente Eurobarómetro especial del Parlamento Europeo fue realizado en los veintiocho Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, entre el 9 y el 25 de abril de 2016, por TNS opinion. Se centra en las percepciones y las expectativas de los europeos con respecto a la acción de la Unión, la lucha contra el terrorismo y la cláusula de defensa mutua.

EU citizens show strong expectations for increased involvement of the EU in the fight against terrorism. The current EU legal framework is limited by the primary role of the Member States in this area. Nevertheless, there is still the scope and potential for increased EU involvement within the current legal framework. This briefing considers this and also covers current and potential relevant financing at EU level. Financial instruments that tackle counter-terrorism directly, indirectly or partially ...

Decisions on security and defence policy are, most of the time, taken by the EU-28's national governments and usually without public scrutiny. Yet, almost two thirds of EU citizens would like the EU to intervene in this policy area more than it does at present. Since the introduction of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in the Treaty of Maastricht, the EU has made substantial progress in assuming its role as a regional security provider. Although significantly strengthened by the Treaty ...

On 16 February 2016 the European Commission proposed a new regulation on security of gas supply as part of its sustainable energy security package, in order to develop a stronger collective response to future supply risks, particularly concerning Russian gas arriving via the Ukrainian transit route. The Commission proposal would replace the existing regulation (in force since December 2010) and address weaknesses highlighted in an implementation report, EU gas stress tests and a public consultation ...

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, France requested aid and assistance from the other Member States based on Article 42(7) TEU. This represented the first activation of the mutual assistance clause since the Lisbon Treaty introduced it in 2009. Member States expressed their solidarity and political support to France instantly and unanimously. Within days, several Member States, including Germany and the United Kingdom, decided on a series of contributions. More decisions ...

El Tratado de Lisboa introdujo nuevos mecanismos, entre los que se incluyen una cláusula de asistencia mutua, cooperación estructurada permanente y cooperación reforzada, con el objetivo de permitir una mayor flexibilidad en la aplicación de la Política Común de Seguridad y Defensa. A excepción de la cláusula de asistencia mutua (defensa), que se invocó por primera vez en noviembre de 2015, los otros nuevos mecanismos todavía no se han aplicado, pese a que en veinte resoluciones del Parlamento Europeo ...