The Cost of Non-Europe in Development Policy: Increasing Coordination between EU Donors

Uuring 15-07-2013

The European Parliament's Committee on Development requested a Cost of Non-Europe (CoNE) Report in the field of development cooperation, to prepare a legislative initiative report on increasing coordination between the EU and the Member States on development aid programmes. This Report builds on expertise provided by the Südwind Institut, the Royal Elcano Institute and Professor Arne Bigsten. It explains that lack of effective coordination of development aid among EU donors -specifically between the Member States and the European Commission- has significant economic and political costs. Economically, some EUR 800 million could be saved annually on transaction costs if donors concentrated their aid efforts on fewer countries and activities. An extra EUR 8.4 billion of annual savings could potentially be achieved from better cross-country allocation patterns. Politically, better coordination would result in increased impact and greater visibility for the EU development policy on the world stage Annex I – The Cost of Non-Europe in Development Policy. Research paper by the Südwind Institut Annex II - Case study: Morocco. Research paper by Elcano Royal Institute Annex III- Quantifying the economic benefits of increased EU donor coordination. Research paper by Prof. Arne Bigsten (University of Gothenburg)