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Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia on the eastern Indochina Peninsula, with a population just over 93.6 million, it is the eighth-most-populous Asian country. There are four main fishing areas in Vietnam: the Gulf of Tonkin, shared with China; the Central area; the South-eastern area; and the South-western area (part of the Gulf of Thailand), shared with Cambodia and Thailand. According to the 2016 report of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Vietnam is the third ...

This overview of the fisheries sector in the Republic of Ireland (henceforth: Ireland) provides information for the delegation of the PECH committee to the country (Cork, 17-19 September 2018).

The Åland Islands is an autonomous, demilitarised, Swedish-speaking region of Finland. The archipelago has its own government and parliament. The Åland Islands is a small society with an open economy that is dependent on trade with its neighbouring regions, notably Southern Finland and the Stockholm region. In 2017 the Åland Islands had 6 aquaculture facilities operating. The number of employed persons in the aquaculture sector was 95 people in that same year. The number of employed persons in the ...

Kalandus- ja vesiviljelustoodete ühine turukorraldus oli ühise kalanduspoliitika (ÜKP) kõige esimene komponent. Kalandussektori hiljutise kriisi tingimustes jäi selle tegevusulatus piiratuks, arvestades selle sekkumismehhanismide olemust ja neile eraldatud nappe rahalisi vahendeid. Seetõttu võeti ette põhjalik reform, millega sätestati alates 2014. aastast ühise turukorralduse ja kogu ühise kalanduspoliitika jaoks uued alused. Läbivaadatud ühise turukorraldusega parandatakse turujärelevalvet ning ...

Kalandustegevuse kontrollimise ja õigusnormide jõustamise eesmärk on tagada kalandusalaste õigusnormide õige kohaldamine, vajaduse korral sunnivahenditega. Sellealane pädevus ja vastutus jaguneb liikmesriikide, komisjoni ja ettevõtjate vahel. Eeskirju eiravate liikmesriikide suhtes võidakse algatada rikkumismenetlus.

Kalandusele antav struktuuriabi

ELi teabelehed 01-09-2017

Algselt rahastati Euroopa kalanduspoliitikat Kalanduse Arendusrahastu vahenditest, seejärel aastatel 2007–2013 Euroopa Kalandusfondist (EKF) ning praegu eraldatakse ajavahemikuks 2014–2020 sellele 6,4 miljardit eurot Euroopa Merendus- ja Kalandusfondist (EMKF). EMKFist toetatakse kalurite üleminekut säästvale kalapüügile ja rannikukogukondade majandustegevuse mitmekesistamist ning rahastatakse projekte, mis loovad Euroopa rannikualadel uusi töökohti ja parandavad elukvaliteeti.

Integreeritud merenduspoliitika

ELi teabelehed 01-09-2017

Integreeritud merenduspoliitika on kõigi merega seotud ELi poliitikasuundade terviklik käsitlus. Tuginedes arusaamale, et poliitikasuundade koordineerimisega võib liit saada meredest ja ookeanidest rohkem kasu, ent mõjutada keskkonda vähem, hõlmab integreeritud merenduspoliitika selliseid erinevaid valdkondi nagu kalandus ja vesiviljelus, laevandus ja meresadamad, merekeskkond, merealased teadusuuringud, avamere energia, laevaehitus ja merega seotud tööstusharud, mereseire, mere- ja rannaalade turism ...

The present note was requested by the Committee on Fisheries of the European Parliament for its Delegation to Japan (18-22 September 2017). The note provides a review of the main characteristics and specificities of Japan fisheries sector and related activities. It provides an overview of issues such as the legal and institutional framework, fisheries management, catches, the fishing fleet, fishing industry, trade, employment, the fish market and marine research.

The overview of the fisheries in Madeira was prepared to provide information for the mission of the Committee of Fisheries to Madeira in 2017 (22-25 May).

Fisheries in Reunion

Analüüs 15-09-2015

European outermost regions including Reunion are important providers of seafood to the Europeans. Adversely, fisheries play an important role in the economy of insular regions. These remote territories experience specific hardships in relation to their economic development, due to their location, limited range of activities in which they can sustain a competitive advantage. The recent EU fisheries policy change and the expected national compensation scheme for the outermost regions are to remedy ...