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In March 2023, the European Commission proposed a directive on promoting the repair of goods, which seeks to mitigate current business and consumption patterns marked by frequent and premature replacement and discarding of goods. In October 2023, the European Parliament's Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) adopted its report, aimed at strengthening the repair market. The report is due to be debated in plenary in November, with a view to setting Parliament's position for ...

Although waste management in the EU has improved considerably in recent decades, over a quarter of municipal waste is still landfilled and less than half is recycled or composted, with wide variations between Member States. Improving waste manage¬ment could deliver positive effects for the environment, climate, human health and the economy. As part of a shift towards a circular economy, the European Commission made four legislative proposals introducing new waste-management targets regarding reuse ...

Circular economy: Four proposals on waste

Lühitutvustus 11-04-2018

As part of a shift towards a circular economy, the European Commission put forward four legislative proposals intended to improve waste management in the European Union in 2015. First-reading negotiations with the Council delivered a compromise, which now awaits a vote in Parliament during the April plenary session.

Although waste management in the EU has improved considerably in recent decades, over a quarter of municipal waste is still landfilled and less than half is recycled or composted, with wide variations between Member States. Improving waste manage¬ment could deliver positive effects for the environment, climate, human health and the economy. As part of a shift towards a circular economy, the European Commission made four legislative proposals introducing new waste-management targets regarding reuse ...

Ressursitõhusus ja jäätmed

ELi teabelehed 01-11-2017

Varasemate ja praeguste ressursikasutustavade tagajärjeks on suur saastatus, keskkonnaseisundi halvenemine ja loodusvarade ammendumine. Seda suundumust peaksid muutma ressursitõhusa Euroopa tegevuskava ja ringmajanduse pakett, muutes ELi majanduse 2050. aastaks säästvaks. ELi jäätmepoliitikal on pikk ajalugu ja tavaliselt on see keskendunud keskkonnahoidlikumale jäätmekäitlusele. Jäätmeid käsitleva nelja seadusandliku ettepanekuga uues ringmajanduse paketis kehtestatakse uued jäätmekäitluseesmärgid ...

Circular economy: Four proposals on waste

Lühitutvustus 10-03-2017

Wide differences exist between Member States in the treatment of municipal waste (landfilling, incinerating, recycling and composting). As part of a shift towards a circular economy, in 2015 the European Commission put forward four legislative proposals intended to improve waste management in the European Union. First-reading votes on the reports adopted by the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety are scheduled for the March II plenary.

Although waste management in the EU has improved considerably in recent decades, over a quarter of municipal waste is still landfilled and less than half is recycled or composted, with wide variations between Member States. Improving waste management could deliver positive effects for the environment, climate, human health and the economy. As part of a shift towards a circular economy, the European Commission made four legislative proposals introducing new waste-management targets regarding reuse ...

Although waste management in the EU has improved considerably in recent decades, over a quarter of municipal waste is still landfilled and less than half is recycled or composted, with wide variations between Member States. Improving waste management could deliver positive effects for the environment, climate, human health and the economy. As part of a shift towards a circular economy, the European Commission made four legislative proposals introducing new waste-management targets regarding reuse ...

Unlike the traditional linear economic model based on a 'take-make-consume-throw away' pattern, a circular economy is based on sharing, leasing, reuse, repair, refurbishment and recycling, in an (almost) closed loop, where products and the materials they contain are highly valued. In practice, it implies reducing waste to a minimum. Moving towards a more circular economy could deliver opportunities including reduced pressures on the environment; enhanced security of supply of raw materials; increased ...

New circular economy package

Lühitutvustus 30-11-2015

A shift towards a circular economy could deliver environmental and economic benefits, but it would also face a number of barriers and challenges. The European Commission is expected to present new legislative proposals and an action plan on the circular economy at the December I plenary session.