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Traditional roles, content and methods of education are being challenged – today’s education needs to prepare students for changing tasks and roles both in the labour market and as European citizens. Rethinking education in the digital age should become a central matter for today’s policy-makers and matters for safeguarding European values such as equality, democracy and the rule of law. The current study presents policy options on the basis of a thorough analysis of current strengths and weaknesses ...

Käesolevas uuringus antakse ülevaade sellest, kuidas avatud õppematerjale täiskasvanuõppes praegu kasutatakse, hinnatakse nende materjalide potentsiaali ning antakse soovitusi poliitiliseks sekkumiseks, võttes seejuures arvesse Euroopa Komisjoni poliitilist raamistikku. Dokument hõlmab uute enam kui 12 liikmesriigis läbi viidud uuringute tulemusi, võimendades erinevate projektide raames tehtud uuringute sünteesi, sealhulgas POERUP (poliitika avatud õppematerjalide kasutuselevõtuks) ning Teadusuuringute ...

Educational technology encompasses a wide array of technologies and methodologies that are shaped by stakeholders’ behaviours and affected by contextual factors that, if adequately mixed, can contribute to students and teachers better achieving their goals. Such a wide and complex task cannot be addressed by a simple and single intervention. Comprehensive on-going policies are required, covering technology, methodology, economic and regulatory aspects; in addition,  such policies are dependent on ...

The world of education is currently undergoing a massive transformation as a result of the digital revolution, which has created new opportunities and challenges both for governments and educational establishments. In 2013, the European Commission published a communication on innovative teaching and learning through digital technologies in the EU, to encourage high-quality education.