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EU energy partnerships: Norway

Briefing 27-09-2023

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, EU Member States have made serious efforts to reduce their dependence on Russian energy imports. To broaden the range of energy suppliers, the European Commission and the Member States' national governments have signed new agreements with non-EU countries and strengthened their pledges with existing partners. Norway is the world's fifth largest oil and third largest natural gas exporter, accounting for 2 % of global crude oil production and 3 % of global natural gas ...

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, EU Member States have made serious efforts to reduce their dependence on Russian energy imports. To broaden the range of energy suppliers, the European Commission and EU national governments have signed new agreements with non-EU countries and strengthened their pledges with existing partners. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The economy of Saudi Arabia is the largest ...

Energiaostuvõimetuse soolised aspektid

Lühitutvustus 15-02-2023

Tänavu tähistame rahvusvahelist naistepäeva Venemaa poolt Ukrainas peetava sõja taustal. Konfliktist tuleneva energiapuuduse ohu tõttu on Euroopas süvenenud pandeemiajärgse taastumise inflatsioonimõju ja tekkinud elukalliduse kriis. Euroopa Parlamendi naiste õiguste ja soolise võrdõiguslikkuse komisjon (FEMM) korraldab naistepäeva eel 1. märtsil 2023 kohtumise liikmesriikide parlamentidega. Päevakorras on energiahindade tõusu mõju naistele ja võimalikud leevendusmeetmed.

On 30 September 2022, the Council of the European Union agreed an urgent regulation to address the problem of very high energy prices in the EU. The Council regulation would raise revenues for Member States to compensate energy consumers for rising prices. Firstly, Member States would receive the excess revenues of electricity generators that rely on cheaper 'inframarginal' energy technologies. These companies are obtaining windfall revenues from high electricity prices caused by the exceptional ...

Trans-European energy infrastructure

Lühitutvustus 30-03-2022

During the April 2022 plenary session, Parliament will be voting on the text of a revised TEN-E Regulation, agreed in trilogue negotiations in late 2021. The TEN-E Regulation outlines rules for projects of common interest (PCIs) in energy infrastructure. PCIs are priority projects that either greatly benefit the single market or improve security of supply in the EU; some are eligible for EU funding. The revised TEN-E Regulation would require PCIs to meet stronger environmental sustainability criteria ...

ELi 2030. aasta eesmärke silmas pidades koostatud siduvates kliima- ja energiaalastes õigusaktides nõutakse, et liikmesriigid võtaksid vastu riiklikud energia- ja kliimakavad (REKKd) ajavahemikuks 2021–2030. 2020. aasta oktoobris avaldas Euroopa Komisjon iga REKK kohta hinnangu. Eesti esitas oma REKK 2019. aasta detsembris. Suur osa eestlastest (67 %) ootab riikide valitsustelt kliimamuutustega võitlemist. Eesti taastas iseseisvuse 1991. aastal ja ühines Euroopa Liiduga 2004. aastal. 1990ndatel käivitas ...

Energy security is increasingly occupying a top spot on the EU’s foreign policy agenda. The unconventional oil and gas revolution, OPEC’s supply response, increased global Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) trade, persistent concerns about the reliability of Russian gas supplies and the need to expand low carbon energies such as renewables to address climate change pose opportunities and challenges to European energy security. The EU has upgraded the issue with its flagship Energy Union communication and ...

Within the current debate on unconventional gas and oil resources in Europe, the European Parliament organised a workshop to discuss the impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction on the environment and on human health, ways of mitigating them and the appropriateness of the current EU legislative framework in the context of the future developments in this field.

Compilation of three briefing papers analyzing the current and proposed emergency oil stock regime in the EU.