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ELi teabelehed 01-11-2017

Energiatarbimise ja energia raiskamise vähendamine on ELi jaoks üha suurema tähtsusega. ELi juhid seadsid 2007. aastal eesmärgi vähendada 2020. aastaks iga-aastast energiatarbimist liidus 20% võrra. Energiatõhususe meetmeid peetakse üha enam vahendiks, mis mitte ainult ei aita saavutada jätkusuutlikku energiavarustust, vähendada kasvuhoonegaaside heitkoguseid, parandada varustuskindlust ja vähendada impordi arveid, vaid ka edendada ELi konkurentsivõimet. Energiatõhusus on seetõttu Euroopa Liidu strateegiline ...

The EU Heating and Cooling Strategy, which is part of the European Commission's Sustainable Energy Security Package, presents a vision for an EU which has decarbonised buildings and industry, maximises the use of energy released from waste heat and cold in industry, and encourages district heating. Although the strategy does not announce any new legislative proposals, it presents some steps the European Commission may consider in the process of revising existing energy legislation, both to improve ...

Five tonnes of waste per capita are generated every year in the European Union (EU), mostly from the construction and mining sectors, with municipal waste accounting for roughly 10% of the total. Although wide differences remain between Member States, recent trends in the treatment of municipal waste show a shift away from landfilling and an increase in the proportion of waste recycled. Management of waste can have adverse effects on the environment, climate and human health. EU waste policy ...

Plastic waste

Briefing 29-10-2013

Plastic production increases with GDP: production during the past decade equalled that of the entire 20th century. Plastic waste could become a valuable resource if separate collection circuits were designed to ensure that single-use plastic packaging could be phased out through an effective roadmap towards the circular economy.