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The aim of this study is to illustrate the different ways in which the current EU legislative framework may be affected by the digitisation and automation of farming activities and the respective technological trends. The study analyses the issues that might have to be dealt with, identifying the European Parliament committees concerned and the legislative acts that might need to be revisited, especially in view of the forthcoming Commission communication on the future of the Common Agricultural ...

Ühine turukorraldus hõlmab ühise põllumajanduspoliitika (ÜPP) raames ette nähtud turumeetmeid. Järjestikuste reformide tulemusel ühendati 2007. aastal 21 ühist turukorraldust üheks ühiseks kõiki põllumajandustooteid hõlmavaks turukorralduseks. Samal ajal muutsid ühise põllumajanduspoliitika läbivaatamised ühise põllumajanduspoliitika üha enam turgudele suunatuks ja vähendasid sekkumismeetmete ulatust. Viimaseid käsitletakse nüüd kaitsemeetmetena ja kasutatakse ainult kriisi korral.

ÜPP vahendid ja nende reformid

ELi teabelehed 01-06-2017

Ühises põllumajanduspoliitikas (ÜPP) on läbi aegade toimunud viis suurt reformi, neist viimased aastal 2003 (vahekokkuvõte), aastal 2009 (nn tervisekontroll) ja aastal 2013 (ajavahemikku 2014–2020 hõlmava eelarveperioodi kohta). Esimesed arutelud 2020. aasta järgse ÜPP üle algasid 2016. aastal.

The liberalisation of the sugar market in the EU will bring about changes in the sugar sector. Elimination of production quotas and the minimum price for the purchase of sugar beet will affect competition and sugar production. Foreign trade will play a key role in the market balance. The EU market will become strongly linked to the world market. The sugar sector is of strategic importance and CAP market policy should include instruments that allow the maintenance of sugar production.

The study aims at reviewing the implementing arrangements adopted recently by the EU Member States with regard to the risk management provisions in the agricultural sector. The study develops a general overview of the state of play of risk management in 2014/2020 Rural Development Programmes submitted by Member States (or Regions); examines similarities and differences in risk management tools implemented in order to gain a better understanding of their scope, their design, their limits and their ...

The development of organic production is a political objective of the EU. Although its organic market has constantly expanded, the EU's organic land area still represents only 6% of the total agricultural area and the difference between EU demand and production is covered by growing imports. To overcome the regulatory obstacles to the development of the sector and increase consumer confidence in the EU organic logo, in March 2014 the Commission adopted a proposal for a regulation on organic production ...

The development of organic production is a political objective of the EU. Although its organic market has constantly expanded, the EU's organic land area still represents less than 6% of the total agricultural area and the difference between EU demand and production is covered by growing imports. To overcome the regulatory obstacles to the development of the sector and increase consumer confidence in the EU organic logo, the European Commission adopted in March 2014 a proposal for a Regulation on ...

Organic agriculture views itself as respecting natural cycles by refraining from the use of genetically modified organisms, by limiting the use of synthetic chemical products and by ensuring animal welfare. Organic production, regulated and supported at EU level, is controlled, certified and labelled. The specifications list also adapts to different kinds of production. Initially a niche market, organic agriculture now represents a European market worth more than EUR 22 billion a year, with demand ...

This is the first in a new series of 'Implementation Appraisals', produced by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), on the operation of existing EU legislation in practice. Each such briefing focuses on a specific EU law which is, or will shortly be, subject to an amending proposal from the European Commission, intended to update the current text. The series is based on the Commission’s intentions, as announced in its annual Work Programme (CWP). 'Implementation Appraisals' aim to provide ...