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Encompassing regions from European Union (EU) Member States and third countries confronted with a common set of challenges, macro-regions are defined on the basis of geographical features. Whether inspired by a sense of regional identity, a desire to engage in closer cooperation or to pool resources, all macro-regional strategies share the aim of ensuring a coordinated approach to issues best addressed jointly. In spite of a broad consensus on the importance of the macro-regional strategies as a ...

An agenda for the EU's mountainous regions

Lühitutvustus 02-05-2016

In the May plenary session, the EP is expected to vote on a resolution that calls for an integrated policy approach to mountain areas, to allow for better consideration of their development needs.

Their specific potentials and opportunities of mountain areas need to be considered as much as their challenges. Mountain areas are too diverse to elaborate an integrated European strategy. However, a framework for development strategies in mountain areas can be developed, taking into account the specific challenges and importance of mountain farming, the high levels of biodiversity in mountain areas, and their specific exposure to climate change. Cohesion policy could use such a framework to better ...

Käesolevas uurimuses antakse ülevaade piirkondlike demograafiliste struktuuride ja suundumuste kohta ELis, keskendudes nende tõenäolisele mõjule sotsiaalmajanduslikule ja territoriaalsele ühtekuuluvusele ja ühtekuuluvuspoliitika rollile demograafiliste muutuste käsitlemisel. Uurimuses analüüsitakse, kuidas ja millises ulatuses on 2007.–2013. aasta Euroopa ühtekuuluvuspoliitika ja struktuurifondid käsitlenud demograafilisi muutusi piirkondlikul tasandil, et selgitada välja kasulikud näitajad selle ...

To maximise the potential of the mountainous regions of Europe the framework of current European policies in this sector must be improved. The report advocates an integrated and flexible approach, making it possible to adapt to the diversity of these areas, taking account of their differing economic, environmental and sociological aspects.