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Young carers (YCs) are children under the age of 18 providing informal, unpaid and often unrecognised care to members of the household suffering from disabilities or otherwise requiring regular care. This in-depth analysis reviews a range of literature on legal recognition, stakeholder awareness and policies adopted at different levels in the EU regarding YCs. The aim is to provide readers with an appropriate evidence base and inform policy action in this area.

Policies for long-term carers

Uuring 31-10-2021

This study provides an in-depth analysis of the formal and informal long-term care workforce in the EU building on an extensive literature survey and data analysis. It looks at workforce characteristics, types and forms of (non-standard) employment, and working conditions. The study covers challenges in Member States related to the long-term care workforce and measures taken to address these. It ends with a discussion of policy options at national and EU level.

Liikmesriikide toetamisel vaesuse, sotsiaalse tõrjutuse ja diskrimineerimise vastases võitluses seab Euroopa Liit eesmärgiks tugevdada kaasamist Euroopa ühiskonda ja ühiskonna ühtsust ning tagada kõigi kodanike võrdne juurdepääs olemasolevatele võimalustele ja vahenditele.