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This study specifically focuses on EU action and cooperation concerning equality and the fight against racism and xenophobia. Despite existing EU legislation and action it argues that there are still significant gaps and barriers to equal treatment and to adequate prevention and prosecution of, and compensation for, hate crimes within the European Union. The impact of the gaps and barriers identified – in action and cooperation – at EU level are assessed both in terms of economic impact and their ...

TThis paper outlines the consequences of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union in the area of consumer protection. It examines the withdrawal’s impact on consumer protection under different scenarios: a futire EEA membership of the UK (a); a relationship governed only by WTO rules; (c) a relationship governed by a “tailor-made agreement”. It comes to the conclusion that from the perspective of consumers in the EU28, an EEA membership of the UK is the most favourable scenario. Irrespective ...

Euroopa Liidul on juriidilise isiku staatus ja tal on omaette õiguskord, mis on eraldatud rahvusvahelisest õigusest. ELi õigusel on lisaks otsene või kaudne mõju liikmesriikide õigusaktidele, ning sellest saab liikmesriikide õigussüsteemi osa. Euroopa Liit on ise õigusallikas. Õiguskord on tavaliselt jaotatud esmaseks õiguseks (aluslepingud ja õiguse üldpõhimõtted), teiseseks õiguseks (põhineb aluslepingutel) ja täiendavaks õiguseks.

This legal study researches the influence on tax law and practice in the overseas areas of the Member States by state aid rules, secondary EU tax law and the Overseas Association Decision. The state aid rules and secondary EU tax law apply to the Outermost Regions, Gibraltar and the Åland Islands and not to the Overseas Countries and Territories and the Crown Dependencies, although the Savings Directive applies atypically. An amendment of the Overseas Association Decision might provide a solution ...

A more comprehensive definition of ‘good administration’ is lacking in the EU. While the Treaties and the Charter establish a number of useful rights, these provisions ought to be developed and made more precise through horizontal rules applicable to all EU institutions in all policy fields. The existing policy-specific rules and soft law regulation have not proved satisfactory. A regulation on good administration applicable to the EU institutions, bodies and agencies ought to be adopted based on ...

This contribution covers the development of European administrative law, in particular the changes which the Treaty of Lisbon has brought about. Next to a growing amount of secondary law EU administrative law has been mainly shaped by the Court of Justice of the European Union. However, it still lacks a coherent structure. The author, thus, pleads for the codification of the major rules on administrative procedures in particular in the field of indirect implementation of European law – on a yet to ...