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Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control recommends granting discharge for eight of the administrative sections of the 2016 EU budget and postponing the decision to October 2018 in one case (European Council and Council). Parliament is expected to decide on the matter during the April plenary session.

During the April plenary session, the Parliament is due to vote on discharge to the EU agencies and joint undertakings for their implementation of the 2016 budget. Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control proposes to grant discharge to all joint undertakings and agencies except the European Asylum Support Office.

During the April plenary session, the European Parliament is expected to decide whether to grant discharge for the 2016 financial year to the different institutions and bodies of the European Union (EU). The debate will start with the report covering the European Commission (plus six executive agencies) which manages the biggest share of the EU general budget. Separate discharge is granted to the Commission concerning the management of the European Development Funds (EDFs), because the EDFs are not ...

Ühtse Euroopa akti sünd

ELi teabelehed 01-04-2017

Aluslepingute peamised muudatused on seotud ühenduse omavahendite süsteemi loomise, Euroopa Parlamendi eelarvepädevuse suurendamise, Euroopa Parlamendi otseste ja üldiste valimiste kehtestamise ning Euroopa Rahasüsteemi loomisega. Ühtne Euroopa akt, millega muudeti olulisel määral Rooma lepingut ja tugevdati integratsiooni suure siseturu loomise kaudu, jõustus 1986. aastal.

In the context of an own-initiative rapport (rapporteur: Markus Pieper, EPP), the CONT Committee decided last year to contract a study on “Democratic accountability and budgetary control of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) funded by the EU budget” to experts from the consultancy Blomeyer&Sanz. The study was presented in a pre-release version last November. It identified difficulties in terms of data availability and transparency, stemming from the fragmentation of European Commission’s systems ...