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What sort of European Union do we want to see in the future? What is working well in the EU and what could be improved? These are just two examples of the kind of questions that the European citizens' panels, part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, will have to answer. The Conference on the Future of Europe marks the first time in the history of the EU that citizens have been included in a consultative process in such a structural and innovative manner. The conference, first announced by ...


ELi teabelehed 01-10-2017

Alates Maastrichti lepingu jõustumisest on igal ELi kodanikul õigus esitada Euroopa Parlamendile kas kaebuse või nõude vormis petitsioon Euroopa Liidu tegevusvaldkonda kuuluvas küsimuses. Petitsioonid vaatab läbi Euroopa Parlamendi petitsioonikomisjon, kes teeb otsuse nende vastuvõetavuse kohta ja vastutab nende käsitlemise eest.

Europe for Citizens: Ambitions and limits

Lühitutvustus 24-02-2017

Engaging EU citizens with remembrance and European integration processes lies at the core of the Europe for Citizens programme. An assessment of the programme’s implementation at its midway point suggests a discrepancy between its ambitions and its means. The March I plenary will discuss the European Parliament’s own-initiative report on the programme’s implementation.

EU Administrative Law

Lühitutvustus 29-04-2015

Over the last decades, the European Union has developed a series of ad hoc administrative procedures for the direct implementation of its rules in a number of areas - such as competition policy, trade policy, sate aids, access to EU documents, the EU civil service - , which resulted in a fragmented body of rules, whether in the form of law or soft law. The need to depart from this sector-specific approach to ensure consistent EU administrative procedures has therefore started to be debated in the ...

Article 298 TFEU and the Charter of Fundamental Rights establish a right of citizens to good administration. However, the current legal framework is fragmented, patchy and uneven and the detailed provisions needed to enforce this right are lacking. This assessment argues that a Regulation constituting a general Law of Administrative Procedure would bring significant added value. ANNEXES: I- Enforcing citizens' right to good administration: time for action. II- Aspects relating to added value for ...

Based mainly on the reasoning and legislative proposal set out in the final report of the Swedish Inquiry on the Administrative Procedure Act, chaired by the author, this briefing note presents some approaches also relevant for the construction of an Act under Article 298 TFEU.