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Majandus- ja rahaliidu ajalugu

ELi teabelehed 01-11-2017

Majandus- ja rahaliit on ELi üha tiheneva majandusliku integratsiooni tulemus. See on ELi ühtse turu laiendus, mida iseloomustavad ühised toote-eeskirjad ning kaupade, kapitali, tööjõu ja teenuste vaba liikumine. Euroalal, mis praegu koosneb 19 ELi liikmesriigist, on kehtestatud ühisraha euro. Kõik 28 ELi liikmesriiki, välja arvatud Ühendkuningriik ja Taani, peavad võtma euro kasutusele pärast vähemalt kaheaastast ERM II-s osalemist ja lähenemiskriteeriumide täitmist. Ühtse rahapoliitika, mida täiendavad ...

Eelarve täitmine

ELi teabelehed 01-06-2017

Eelarve täitmise eest vastutab komisjon. Ta teeb seda koostöös liikmesriikidega ja Euroopa Parlamendi poliitilise kontrolli all.

Setting the maximum allocation of resources for each major category ("heading") of EU spending, the MFF gives a budgetary overview of priorities. The political agreement on the next MFF includes provisions to increase the flexibility of the system and to prepare reforms of the own resources system. A review of the MFF by the end of 2016 is also provided for.

Käesolevas dokumendis käsitletakse komisjoni ettepanekut lisada ühtekuuluvuspoliitikasse laiaulatuslikud makromajanduslikud tingimused. Sisuliselt teeks see ühtekuuluvuse rahastamise sõltuvaks Euroopa majandusjuhtimise eeskirjadest. Dokumendis leitakse, et selline tingimuslikkus oleks majandusjuhtimisele kasulik, kuid sellel oleks tõenäoliselt halb mõju ühtekuuluvuspoliitikale. Olulisem on see, et on kaheldav, kas komisjoni ettepanek aitab kaasa mõlema poliitikasuuna üldisele eesmärgile: tasakaalustatud ...

The euro crisis has forced Member States and the EU institutions to create a series of new instruments to safeguard macro-financial stability of the Union. This study describes the status of existing instruments, the role of the European Parliament and how use of the instruments impinges on EU budget also through their effects on national budgets. In addition, we present a survey of other possible instruments that have been proposed in recent years (e.g. E-bonds and eurobonds), in order to provide ...

When the economic crisis started in 2008, a number of eurozone Member States had growing budget deficits and government debts, along with competiveness problems. Monetary union without fiscal union may be the seed of the current difficulties.

Stability bonds

Lühitutvustus 10-02-2012

Shaken market confidence has dramatically increased borrowing costs for several eurozone countries. As a remedy, the European Commission floated options for the 17 eurozone governments to jointly issue stability bonds, also called eurobonds. However, Germany is concerned that the plan would undermine incentives for fiscal discipline in debt-ridden Member States (MS).

Besides describing the information requirements for the planning process, policy implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the Structural Fund, it contains practical examples concerning local and regional information and planning networks which contribute to the exchange of experiences between regional bodies throughout the EU.