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Cross-border access to electronic evidence

Lühitutvustus 07-06-2023

During the June plenary session, the Parliament is expected to vote on the trilogue agreement reached with the Council on two Commission proposals revolutionising cross-border access to electronic evidence across the EU.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, analyses the added value and the shortcomings of the Commission’s proposals on cross-border access to electronic evidence, with a special focus on the proposals’ implications for territoriality and state sovereignty and fundamental rights of service providers and users.

The IA provides a comprehensive description of the problem and the options are clearly linked to the objectives and the problem definition. It would have benefited the analysis if coherence and complementarity between this initiative and other proposed EU legislation would have been further explained. Moreover, stakeholders’ views are mentioned in a rather general way throughout the IA report and also, the problem drivers are not evenly discussed. It is to be noted that the proposed Regulation does ...

European Digital Guarantee

Uuring 15-11-2016

The study analyses the inconveniences of paper receipts and guarantees that are lost or fade away. The collected evidence indicates that missing paper documents may result in problems for consumers in the enforcement of their rights. The study assesses e-receipt solutions already existing on the market and evaluates whether the regulation of such schemes could contribute to the Single Market. Some guidelines are given concerning a possible regulation of e-receipt schemes, including the impact of ...

The growing importance of internet-enabled platforms for delivery of government, financial, and public services makes them one of the key priorities for national security. Over recent years, state, state-sponsored and non-state actors (i.e. terrorist organisations, organised crime groups) alike have resorted to intrusive techniques to gain the economic, political or security upper hand over their competitors and adversaries. The evolving landscape of threats, and challenges linked to attribution ...