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Evidence and data are key to good policy-making, in particular when it comes to setting priorities, mitigating negative impacts and finding optimum trade-offs. The information provided in this publication is designed to help policy-makers by providing sources of data and identifying possible bias in their use. EPRS has selected 10 composite indices in a range of policy areas from reliable sources; indices already used as references by policy-makers. For each index, a chapter presents the producers ...

Ühine põllumajanduspoliitika arvudes

ELi teabelehed 01-10-2017

Alljärgnevates tabelites esitatakse statistilised põhiandmed ühise põllumajanduspoliitikaga (ÜPP) seotud eri valdkondade kohta: liikmesriikide põllumajandus ja toiduainetööstus (tabel II), keskkonnaprobleemide arvessevõtmine ÜPPs (tabel III), metsandus (tabel IV), ÜPP rahastamine ja kulud (tabelid I ja V) ning põllumajandustoodete ja toiduainete kaubandus (tabel VI).

Resource Efficiency Indicators

Uuring 02-06-2015

This report summarises the presentations and discussions during the Workshop on Resource Efficiency Indicators held on 14 April 2015. There was general agreement that world economic growth will soon be limited by the earth’s carrying capacity. In order to have a system for steering the necessary policy measures a set of resource efficiency indicators is needed. In this indicator set priority should be given to most needed indicators. In addition, footprint type indicators, which take into account ...

This study proposes a set of criteria and indicators for the purpose of allocating fishing opportunities in EU Member States, which according to Article 17 of the new CFP should include those of an environmental, social and economic nature. The proposed criteria and indicators should be applicable in a wide range of circumstances therefore the term allocation in this study should be understood in a broad sense referring to any aspect of giving access to fishing opportunities.

For more than 25 years, environmental impact assessments (EIAs) have been required for projects likely to have a significant impact on the environment. A revision of the EIA Directive aims to correct shortcomings and to simplify and harmonise the assessment process.

Following the ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the Bablok case, the European Commission proposes to clarify the status of pollen in honey and to define it as a natural constituent of honey rather than an ingredient, as decided by the CJEU. This has practical implications on European labelling, supervision and authorisation requirements for honey. In addition, it has potential economic, social and environmental implications. The European Commission proposal to change ...

The European Union has set target values for CO2 emissions from new passenger cars and taken measures to ensure that information on the CO2 performance of new passenger cars is readily available for citizens. This study examines the implementation of Directive 1999/94/EC relating to the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions with respect to the marketing of new passenger cars; and assesses potential amendments to the legislation, taking into consideration research ...

Ecological Footprinting

Uuring 01-03-2001

This report presents arguments and evidence reviewing the Ecological Footprinting methodology, comparing it with official and non-official indicators that are currently under development.