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Every year since 1983, World Heritage Day has been celebrated around the globe on 18 April. This is an opportunity to raise awareness of the diversity and vulnerability of our cultural heritage and the efforts required for its protection and conservation. With more than 380 cultural and natural sites on the Unesco World Heritage list, the EU attracts over a third of all tourists globally. Even though the pandemic caused a collapse in travel, EU countries remain extremely popular, with France, Spain ...

Cultural tourism out of confinement

Lühitutvustus 10-07-2020

The lockdowns, border closures and other restrictive measures in response to the coronavirus pandemic brought tourist and cultural activities to a halt in most EU Member States between mid-March and mid-June, significantly affecting businesses and consumers. A progressive easing of these restrictive measures is now under way.

Although competence for culture policy lies with the Member States, various EU programmes and funds are available for cultural projects. The contribution of culture to regional development is increasingly recognised and EU regional funding can finance projects with a cultural dimension.

Cost of Non-Europe Reports identify the possibilities for economic or other gains and/or the realisation of a ‘public good’ through common action at EU level in specific policy areas and sectors. This Cost of Non-Europe Report seeks to analyse the costs for citizens, businesses and relevant stake-holders of remaining gaps and barriers in the Single Market in transports, as well as to examine the benefits from further action in the tourism sector. This particular study - the third in a series - looks ...

Käesolev uuring vastab Euroopa Parlamendi nõudmisele hinnata põhjalikult Euroopa kultuuripealinna programmi pikaajalist mõju selle võõrustajate jaoks. Uuringu peamine eesmärk on uurida kultuuripealinna võõrustajate kohta avaldatud rikkalikku materjali, et selgitada välja levinumad edu saavutamise viisid, anda ülevaade tulemuslikust kultuurilisest, majanduslikust, sotsiaalsest ja poliitilisest pikaajalisest mõjust ning teha kindlaks, millised on korduvad probleemid.

Käesolevas raportis kirjeldatakse ja analüüsitakse, kuidas, miks, millal ja kus on Euroopas välja arenenud tööstuspärandil põhinev turism ning maaturism. Selles arutatakse nende teemadega seotud päevakajalisi küsimusi ja antakse soovitusi, kuidas mõlema tegevust laiendada, muuta elujõulisemaks ja jätkusuutlikumaks ning pakkuda seeläbi kohalikele kaasatud kogukondadele ja Euroopale kui tervikule suuremaid majanduslikke, keskkonnaalaseid ja sotsiaalkultuurilisi hüvesid.