How Effective is eu Aid on the Ground? a Comparative Assessment of Eu Aassistance in Cambodia, Mozambique and Peru

Tutkimus 02-10-2007

The authors of this report are Alina Rocha Menocal (ODI), Maria Teresa Albareda and Carlos Eduardo Aramburú (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), Geoff Handley (ODI) and Sue Graves (ODI). The authors wish to thank Andrew Lawson and in particular Sven Grimm (German Development Institute, DIE) for their guidance and comments, as well as Roo Griffiths and Duncan Sinclair for their editorial assistance. Special thanks go in particular to the EC Delegations in Cambodia, Mozambique and Peru as well as all the other individuals who took time off from their busy schedules and agreed to be interviewed for this project.