The Role of Brics in the Developing World

Tutkimus 13-04-2012

The role of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) as emerging protagonists in international development cooperation is significantly and rapidly changing. Over the last decade, BRICS have increased their financial as well as technical assistance and established distinct ways and means of economic cooperation, especially through southsouth- cooperation with Low Income Countries (LIC). BRICS are striving for more political influence, thereby challenging traditional western donors such as the EU. BRICS impact on LICs through trade, foreign direct investment and development financing are significant and these south-south-efforts need to be reflected in EU development strategies. The high level conferences in Paris, Accra and Monterrey have not appreciated BRICS’ role as emerging donors, but the Busan Global Partnership strategy has considered obvious changes in global development architecture more openly. Size, key areas and institutional settings of foreign assistance are differing among BRICS. The overall focus of development cooperation lies on neighbouring countries, regional integration and technical assistance. Economic growth is perceived to be crucial for sustainable development; non-interference and national sovereignty are guiding principles. Eye-to-eye level dialogue and trilateral settings of cooperation are means of addressing BRICS as new stakeholder in 21st century development politics.