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The briefing presents data on the problem of child poverty in the European Union followed by an overview of policy initiatives by the Commission, the Council and the European Palriament. It concludes with points from the debate in research on how to shape an effective Child Guarantee. The note covers aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Russia has gone from Soviet-era egalitarianism to extremes of wealth and poverty. Economic growth since 2000 has slightly reduced the gap between rich and poor, but inequality is still higher than in most other developed countries. The income gap is exacerbated by such factors as corruption and low taxes for the rich, but it is also mitigated by a relatively inclusive education system.

This study, prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, provides a picture on current developments in the area of social security coordination in the EU. It assesses the functioning of coordination rules in areas targeted by the amendment proposal from the European Commission, and evaluates the proposal’s possible effects. The study highlights how some of the proposed changes could potentially impact fundamental principles of social security ...

Approximately 14 million EU residents (mobile workers, unemployed and economically inactive citizens) are not living in their home country. In order to grant them the social and health benefits to which they are entitled, coordination between the social security systems of the Member States is necessary. However, the current Regulations (EC) No 883/2004 and (EC) No 987/2009 no longer reflect the changing national social security systems and the case law of the European Court of Justice. The European ...

Generally, the IA seems to provide a robust basis on which to change the current EU framework of social security coordination. A number of comprehensive external studies substantiates the IA. It appears that the European Commission was open about data limitations and key assumptions. Various stakeholder consultations were conducted, including two public online consultations. The Commission proved flexible and responsive in that it developed two options in direct response to feedback from the Administrative ...

This study provides an overview of the social and employment situation in the US. The paper has been put together to inform the Delegation of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee in view of their visit to Washington, USA in April 2017. The paper looks at the labour market situation in the USA over the last decade, social protection in the USA, and recent developments in the labor market and social protection.

This infographic aims to present the current state of affairs of maternity and paternity leave in EU Member States. Maternity leave policies in EU Member States are governed by the 1992 Pregnant Workers Directive. After an unsuccessful attempt to introduce a new maternity leave directive, the Commission has announced a new, more holistic package as a replacement.

Upon request by the FEMM Committee, the Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs has developed a number of figures visualising duration of and compensation rates of previous incomes during maternity, paternity and parental leave in the Member States of the European Union. The figures are based on data published notably by the European Commission and the International Labour Organisation between 2012 and 2014 which were cross-checked with data collected by the European Parliamentary ...

Upon request by the FEMM Committee, this note gives an overview of the legislation and legal principles in the Member States concerning the guarantee of payment of child maintenance for the custodial parent by the other parent in case of separation or divorce. This guarantee can be regulated by law and can be put in place by a special body or agency. This note pays particular attention to differences between men and women in their roles for the financial support of children.

“Welfare tourism” expresses the concern that individuals use the right of free movement of persons with a view to benefiting from a more favourable welfare system. Assessing the impact of immigration is not straightforward. Some elements can help to assess its impact on social security, but those studies which do exist stress the lack of data relevant to the issue, and the limited impact on welfare systems.