
Vos résultats

Affichage 6 de 6 résultats

La présente étude du coût de la non-Europe examine l'état de mise en œuvre du cadre stratégique actuel pour la création d'un espace européen de la recherche (EER). L'étude combine une évaluation rétroactive (ex post) et une évaluation prospective (ex ante). Alors que l'évaluation ex post se penche sur la mise en œuvre du cadre stratégique de l'EER, l'évaluation ex ante se concentre sur les coûts et les avantages potentiels induits par une éventuelle action politique future. Ce faisant, elle recense ...

Criminalité organisée et corruption

Analyse approfondie 10-03-2016

La présente étude montre la nécessité d'une lutte conjointe contre la criminalité organisée et la corruption, puisque ces deux phénomènes sont liés et se renforcent mutuellement. Les groupes liés à la criminalité organisée tentent de réglementer et de contrôler la production et la distribution d'un produit ou d'un service de manière illégale. Pour ce faire, ils chercheront à faire pencher les règles en leur faveur en corrompant les fonctionnaires. La corruption compromet l'état de droit, ce qui permet ...

The study examines the legal, administrative and other barriers to cross-border volunteering which prevent it from achieving its full potential. Those barriers include uncertainty and the risk of forfeiting social security benefits, the unclear framework for obtaining residence permits in some host countries, the lack of clear procedures for the recognition of the skills and competences gained through volunteering, the lack of positive action and information on volunteering opportunities, and insufficient ...

The Water Framework Directive, adopted in December 2000, set an ambitious target of achieving ‘good’ ecological status for all Europe’s rivers by 2015. Today however, 50% of European surface water is of poor ecological status and the chemical status of 40% is ‘unknown’. With better implementation of the legislation, and reaching the target of good ecological status for all European water bodies, the benefits would be at least €2.8 billion a year.

This ‘Cost of Non-Europe’ report examines the state of implementation of current EU Water Legislation and identifies the cost of the lack of further European action in this field. The assessment made of existing water legislation confirms that there are still implementation gaps and areas of poor performance. The examination of five case studies, where it was believed that a significant potential exists for further EU action, served to demonstrate that there are several barriers which hinder the ...

The European Parliament has called for a “social dimension” to the Economic and Monetary Union to tackle unemployment and restore growth following the recent economic crisis. Among various alternative options, automatic stabilisers could potentially be means of stabilising the Eurozone, while at the same time addressing social problems associated with the financial crisis. This Cost of Non-Europe report explores the prospects for introducing an automatic stabilizer in the form ...