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The Directive on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) provides for strong investor protection and creates a label for European retail investment funds. The Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM) lays down rules for the authorisation, supervision and oversight of managers of non-UCITS funds, i.e. alternative investment funds (AIFs). Facilitating cross-border investment remains an essential part of the European Commission's action plan on building ...

To ensure proper functioning of the internal market, Directive 2008/118/EC and related pieces of EU law seek harmonisation of the general conditions for charging excise duty on alcohol, tobacco and energy products. Disparities in the application of these rules can result in tax-induced movements of goods, loss of revenue and fraud. The REFIT initiative on general arrangements for excise duty, announced in the Commission's work programme for 2018, intends to further harmonise and simplify provisions ...

Currently, EU company law is partially codified in Directive (EU) 2017/1132 relating to certain aspects of company law. Harmonisation of EU company law is a prerequisite for deploying a fully-fledged digital single market enabling all operators, in particular SMEs, to draw on the potential of the digital economy and to eliminate unnecessary barriers, while safeguarding their rights and providing legal and cyber security. Despite the recent codification and recently amended other pieces of EU company ...

La directive 2004/113/CE fait partie de la législation antidiscrimination de l’Union européenne et définit des règles de base visant à assurer l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans l’accès à des biens et services et la fourniture de biens et services. Cette étude propose une analyse critique de son application dans l’ensemble des États membres. Elle conclut que la notion de «discrimination indirecte» exige une attention accrue, dans le secteur de la santé par exemple, ou encore en ce qui ...

Trafficking in human beings (THB), in all its forms, is a serious crime affecting fundamental rights, health, social life, economy and justice. THB knows no boundaries and most reported victims are female EU nationals from Central and Eastern Europe. THB can be tackled effectively only through a coherent approach at the levels of legislation and executive powers and through strategic policy-making. Proper investigation and prosecution are important and enhance victim protection and assistance as ...

The principle of equal pay is anchored in the EEC founding Treaty of 1957. Directive 2006/54/EC was a recast of secondary law dating back to 1975 pursuing gender equality in (access to) employment and it ‘consolidated’ case law in this area developed by the European Court of Justice. This European Implementation Assessment is based on input received from four independent groups of experts (included as annexes) on different aspects of the application of the Recast Directive: legal aspects and in ...

The Ex-ante Impact Assessment Unit of DG Parliamentary Research Services was requested by the INTA and IMCO Committees to provide a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission’s Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing rules on the access of third country goods and services to the European Union’s internal market in public procurement and procedures supporting negotiations on of European ...

This paper contains an assessment of a set of amendments proposed by the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee of the European Parliament to the new Public Procurement Directives. The paper first gives a high-level assessment of all proposals that were initially considered relevant from the perspective of SMEs’ access, which is followed by a more detailed assessment of those amendments that are likely to have a significant impact on SMEs.

La présente note s'efforce de présenter une évaluation initiale des forces et des faiblesses de l'analyse d'impact de la Commission européenne (AI) accompagnant la proposition de règlement des précurseurs des drogues. Elle vise à déterminer si l'AI respecte les principaux critères établis dans les lignes directrices de la Commission concernant l'analyse d'impact et les autres paramètres définis par le Parlement européen dans son guide pratique des analyses d'impact. Elle n'a pas vocation à examiner ...

Cette note tente de fournir une évaluation initiale des forces et des faiblesses de l'analyse d'impact de la Commission européenne (AI) accompagnant la proposition de règlement modifiant le règlement du Conseil (CE) n° 111/2005 fixant des règles pour la surveillance du commerce des précurseurs de drogues entre la Communauté et les pays tiers. Elle n'a pas vocation à examiner le contenu de la proposition et a été élaborée à des fins d'information et de mise en contexte afin d'offrir une assistance ...