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The EU sugar sector

Briefing 16-03-2020

The sugar sector in the European Union provides a source of income for many farmers and sugar manufacturers. The EU is the world's top producer of sugar beet and one of the main sugar manufacturers' and consumer markets. The EU sugar market had been one of the most heavily regulated markets in the agri-food sector for 50 years, until the quota regime ended on 30 September 2017, thereby introducing a new scenario for this segment of the economy. The sector faces challenges on a number of fronts. The ...

Food and agriculture systems are central to the well-being of humanity. When considering food security, these systems are needed not just to provide safe, healthy food but also livelihoods and incomes to a large number of farmers. These same systems are integral to rural and economic development. Core to the food security objective is the production of cereals across the globe to meet the increasing demands for food, animal feed and biofuels. In the EU, the cereals sector accounted for approximately ...

Pour la première fois dans l’histoire de la politique agricole commune (PAC), il est proposé que les interventions disponibles au titre du premier pilier de la PAC (revenu agricole et soutien du marché) et du second pilier (développement rural) soient regroupées dans un plan stratégique unique pour toutes les dépenses de la PAC. Le présent document vise à mieux comprendre la proposition de la Commission européenne concernant le nouveau modèle de mise en œuvre de la PAC après 2020. En vertu de cette ...

The food supply chain ensures that food and drink products are delivered to the public. It affects all consumers in the EU. The final price paid by the consumer is impacted by the number of participants in the food supply chain. While the single market has brought benefits to operators in the supply chain through more market opportunities and a larger customer base, it has also brought challenges. Structural changes have occurred, leading to different levels of bargaining power and imbalances between ...

La Commission européenne a adopté une proposition de directive sur les pratiques commerciales déloyales, afin de renforcer la position des petits opérateurs (agriculteurs) dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement alimentaire. Le Parlement et le Conseil ont négocié et trouvé un accord sur cette proposition, qui devrait être votée en première lecture par le Parlement lors de la session plénière de mars I.