
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 28 résultats

The situation of Article 2 TEU values in Denmark

Analyse approfondie 09-02-2024

This briefing, written by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, examines the situation of Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Denmark and how the values of Article 2 of the TEU are respected and implemented in the country.

The situation of Article 2 TEU values in Estonia

Analyse approfondie 09-02-2024

This briefing, written by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, examines the situation of Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Estonia and how the values of Article 2 of the TEU are respected and implemented in the country.

This study, written by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, examines the situation of Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Bulgaria and how Article 2 TEU values are respected and implemented in the country.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), examines “conversion practices” (also called “conversion therapies”) aimed at changing, repressing or suppressing the sexual orientation, gender identity or expression of LGBT+ persons. Such practices, due to their discriminatory, degrading, harmful and fraudulent nature, are ...

La libre circulation des personnes

Fiches thématiques sur l’UE 30-06-2023

La liberté de circulation et de séjour des personnes dans l’Union européenne, qui a été instaurée par le traité de Maastricht en 1992, constitue la pierre angulaire de la citoyenneté de l’Union. La suppression progressive des frontières intérieures en application des accords de Schengen a été suivie par l’adoption de la directive 2004/38/CE relative au droit des citoyens de l’Union et des membres de leurs familles de circuler et de séjourner librement au sein de l’Union. Malgré l’importance de ce ...

L’Union européenne est fondée sur les valeurs de respect de la dignité humaine, de liberté, de démocratie, d’égalité, d’état de droit, ainsi que de respect des Droits de l'homme, y compris des droits des personnes appartenant à des minorités, comme le prévoit l’article 2 du traité sur l’Union européenne (traité UE). Pour veiller à ce que ces valeurs soient respectées, l’article 7 du traité UE prévoit un mécanisme de l’Union permettant de déterminer s’il existe une violation grave et persistante des ...

This study, written by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, examines the situation of Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Greece and how Article 2 TEU values are respected and implemented in the country.

This briefing was prepared by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs upon request of the EP Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware for its mission to Cyprus and Greece, from 1 to 4 November 2022.

This study, written by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, examines the situation of Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Malta and how Article 2 TEU values are respected and implemented in the country.

Pegasus and surveillance spyware

Analyse approfondie 06-05-2022

This In-Depth Analysis, drafted by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs for the Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware, looks into the confirmed or suspected use of the Pegasus spyware and other similar cyber-surveillance instruments in the EU and its Member States or targeting EU citizens or residents, EU reactions and previous activities on issues related to surveillance.