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Affichage 5 de 5 résultats

The agricultural sector accounts for almost 10 % of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union, mainly for food production and transport. In recent years, European farmers have made efforts to significantly reduce this environmental footprint by increasing their consumption and production of renewable energy, which is derived from natural resources that are naturally replenished. While there is enormous potential for the production of renewable energy on farms due to the availability of wind, ...

Comment l'Europe doit-elle réagir face aux demandes grandissantes qui pèsent sur nos systèmes alimentaires et agricoles résultant de l'augmentation de la population mondiale, de régimes alimentaires en évolution et de demandes concurrentes concernant les terres agricoles? Ce rapport propose un point de vue sur la manière dont l'Union pourrait contribuer au cours des prochaines décennies à relever ces défis et expose certaines des options qui méritent une attention particulière. Il se concentre sur ...

La présente étude a pour objet d'analyser et de passer en revue les options technologiques de bioraffinerie qui permettent de convertir la biomasse disponible sous forme de résidus des récoltes agricoles et forestiers et de déchets provenant de l'ensemble de la chaîne alimentaire en biomatériaux et en bioénergie. Elle évalue les options technologiques, et notamment la durabilité des processus concernés. Cette étude fait partie d'un projet de plus grande envergure commandé par le bureau STOA ("Science ...

The study proposes a detailed examination of the state of agricultural biogas installations in EU and the corresponding legal aspects. The study provides with: - An analysis of the current situation of biogas installations in European agriculture - An appraisal of the obstacles faced the development of agricultural biogas technology and for more extensive installations in the EU. - Some Conclusions on the positive impacts of biogas on agriculture and proposals for further development.

The main purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate the effluent charging and enforcement systems of the 15 EU Member States, including the institutional responsibilities and the conditions related to the issuing of permits to discharge effluents directly into natural waters. The information on which this report is based was collected mainly from water authorities in the Member States, usually from the ministries responsible for environmental affairs.