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Affichage 10 de 136 résultats

This At a glance note summaries the study focusing on regional connectivity through an adequate transport infrastructure. The study provides an overview of the aspects of regional connectivity through adequate cohesion policy investments in rail and road transport infrastructures, mostly in the programming period 2014-2020. In detail, this analysis covers all types of transport-related investments (for goods and people) financed from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund. Moreover ...

Une proposition de 2018 relative à un mécanisme transfrontalier européen a abordé les difficultés propres aux régions frontalières de l’Union, mais elle s’est enlisée du fait de désaccords au sein du Conseil. Le Parlement européen cherche à présent à relancer le dossier grâce à un rapport d’initiative législative. Lors de la session plénière de septembre 2023, il devrait débattre de la proposition de révision du mécanisme, sur la base d’un rapport de la commission du développement régional.

The Territorial Agenda 2030 ‘A future for all places’ is the latest in a long line of intergovernmental documents paving the way for territorial cohesion in Europe. It defines two overarching objectives, a Just Europe and a Green Europe, which have six priorities for developing the European territory as a whole along with all its places. This At a glance note summarises the paper providing an introduction to the agenda and the state of play of its application.

En mai 2022, la Commission européenne a lancé une nouvelle stratégie visant à améliorer les conditions de vie dans les régions ultrapériphériques de l’Union européenne, à favoriser leur développement, à promouvoir leur reprise et leur croissance durables et à libérer leur potentiel. Un rapport d’initiative sur l’évaluation de la stratégie de la Commission, présenté par la commission du développement régional du Parlement européen, doit être mis aux voix lors de la période de session plénière de juin ...

Le présent document est une synthèse de l’analyse approfondie intitulée «Agenda territorial 2030 - Examen de la mise en œuvre». L’intégralité du document, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

The UK Withdrawal Negotiations raised awareness about the positive effects of European integration on regional development and cross-border cooperation in Ireland – and their vulnerability to Brexit. This At a glance note summarises the report explaining and evidencing the impact of Brexit – anticipated, actual and potential – in this unique case study. Its focus is on non-trade related matters, including administrative, environmental and cultural, particularly as managed at local and regional levels ...

Africa-EU trade relations have a longstanding tradition. The EU remains the biggest trading and investment partner for most African countries, especially for those implementing Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) with the EU. The workshop shall provide a data-based discussion of the impact of current EPAs on economic regional development (and recent trends on intraregional economic integration in Africa) as well as an overview of EU's sustainable investment facilitation agreements negotiated with ...

The 8th Cohesion Report, published by the European Commission in February 2022, paints a mixed picture of cohesion policy. On the one hand, since the 2008 financial crisis and the contraction of public spending, cohesion policy has played an increasing role in maintaining territorial integrity and public services. On the other hand, many less developed and middle-income regions, especially in the southern and south-western parts of Europe, are stagnating or falling behind. The report highlights that ...

Covering almost one third of the EU's area, but only 17.9 % of the EU population, the Baltic Sea region encompasses a group of countries characterised by a high degree of interdependence, with a tradition of cooperation dating back to the late Middle Ages and the Hanseatic League. This shared identity was cemented further through the EU accession of the Baltic States and Poland in 2004, increasing to eight the number of EU Member States in the Baltic region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia ...

This At a glance note sumarises the study on Cohesion Policy in Northernmost Regions of the EU: North Sweden, North & East Finland. Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPAs) have high economic potentials. Proactive public policies are needed to unlock them by overcoming key demographic challenges, making it possible for companies to recruit skilled staff and enhancing the welfare and quality of life of their populations. The study describes measures implemented to this end under EU Cohesion Policy ...