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Affichage 10 de 24 résultats

Les éléments de preuve et les données jouent un rôle fondamental dans l’élaboration de politiques efficaces et constituent une ressource essentielle pour la fixation des priorités, l’atténuation des effets pervers et la définition des meilleurs compromis. Les informations contenues dans ce document ont pour objectif d’aider les responsables politiques en leur fournissant des sources de données et en relevant les biais éventuels associés à leur utilisation. L’EPRS a sélectionné 10 indices composites ...

This note prepared by Economic Governance Support Unit gives an overview of the member states progress towards the EU 2020 targets.

This paper describing and analysing recent developments in employment and social policies in Austria was compiled in response to the request by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) in view of its delegation visit to Austria in early May 2018.

This paper describing and analysing recent developments in employment and social policies in the Czech Republic was compiled in response to the request by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) in view of its delegation visit to Austria in early May 2018.

Commissioned by Policy Department A at the request of the EMPL Committee, this paper provides an overview of Canada's economy, labour market and social policies, as well as the functioning of related institutions, and takes a closer look at the impact of digitalisation on Canada's world of work.

This note provides an overview of the risk of poverty or social exclusion in the European Union. This risk indicator refers to the situation of people either at risk of poverty, or severely materially deprived or living in a household with a very low work intensity.

The European Pillar of Social Rights should serve as a 'compass for a renewed process of convergence towards better working and living conditions in the EU Member States'. Convergence of policies, regimes and outcomes happens either by 'growing together' or 'catching up'. There is, however, no consensus in the literature concerning the effect of European integration on welfare states. It is also difficult to discern whether European policy or the extent of its domestic implementation led to a certain ...

Measuring social impact in the EU

Briefing 16-05-2017

Austerity measures in the wake of the financial crisis, coupled with fragile economic growth, have triggered a shift in the focus of EU policy-makers towards deepening the economic and monetary union and achieving greater social convergence across Member States. In addition, due to growing inequalities and changing labour markets, discussions on investing in human capital have also come to the fore. In this context, it has become all the more important to understand and assess the social impact of ...

This study provides an overview of the social and employment situation in the US. The paper has been put together to inform the Delegation of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee in view of their visit to Washington, USA in April 2017. The paper looks at the labour market situation in the USA over the last decade, social protection in the USA, and recent developments in the labor market and social protection.

The paper examines the transition from monitoring the Millennium Development Goals to monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the implications for developing countries, and the support that the data revolution could provide. The indicators agreed for the SDG targets are discussed in terms of data requirements and the different types of data currently collected. The potential for the data revolution to strengthen open data and access to data in terms of connectivity is also explored. ...