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Affichage 10 de 46 résultats

When an EU resident makes an investment in securities in another Member State, the payments received in return (dividends or interest) are normally subject to a withholding tax in the country of the investment (source country), before being subject to tax in the resident's country. In order to eliminate double taxation, the investor has to submit a refund claim on the excess tax withheld by the source country. Today, however, these relief procedures are cumbersome, unharmonised, and often paper-based ...

Le présent document est le résumé de l’étude sur les investissements chinois dans les infrastructures maritimes européennes. L’étude complète, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

As political relations between the EU and China have encountered increasing challenges, including in the context of China's ambiguous position on Russia's war on Ukraine, the trade deficit of the EU with China has risen substantially. The EU has reacted by taking measures to improve its own economic security and to ensure a level playing-field; the most recent measure, announced by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on 13 September, is the anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles ...

On 9 August 2023, US President Joe Biden issued an executive order to regulate certain types of US outbound investment in semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technologies and artificial intelligence sectors in 'countries of concern', where this investment may be a threat to US national security. Investment in these technologies or subsets of them will be subject to notification rules, or prohibited. The US Treasury Department, tasked with drafting the implementation rules, concurrently ...

The briefings offer an overview of EU’s trade and investment relations before the start of the full-scale Russian invasion and a data-supported analysis of recent trade developments. They address the trade patterns of Ukraine and Russia, the economic structure of the two countries, and the EU’s dependencies on Russia as well as the EU's alternatives for Russian imports, focusing on the energy sector and critical raw materials. The final briefing provides an overview of the sanctions imposed by the ...

Although the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) pursues a range of aims, the two main ones are the lowering of inflation by removing purchasing power from the US economy, and to provide the United State's contribution to fighting climate change. Unlike similar EU measures, most of its climate support is done via tax subsidies. Although hailed in the EU for heralding a new era in US climate policy, the IRA is being criticised for its outright 'Buy American' provisions. Amongst others, it is feared that ...

La coexistence de 27 systèmes fiscaux nationaux différents dans l’Union européenne crée des obstacles importants aux activités commerciales transfrontières au sein du marché unique européen. L’objectif de cette étude est de montrer le contexte et les évolutions du droit dérivé européen qui ont conduit à la situation actuelle ou, du moins, ne l’ont pas encore résolue. En outre, des perspectives sont présentées quant à la manière dont les obstacles décrits aux investissements transfrontières dans le ...

Le financement mixte et les garanties ont suscité un grand intérêt en tant qu’outils permettant de faire progresser les objectifs de développement en mobilisant des fonds supplémentaires pour le développement en utilisant des fonds publics limités pour remplir une fonction de réduction des risques. Dans le cadre de l’IVCDCI — Europe dans le monde, le FEDD + fournit un cadre pour les opérations de financement mixte et de garantie dans le cadre de l’action extérieure de l’UE. Entre autres, le FEDD ...

Following the EU-India summit in May 2021, talks on both an EU-India trade and an investment agreement have resumed. This analysis provides background on where EU-India economic relations stand and why it is important to maintain momentum following this breakthrough, despite a somewhat unpromising domestic political environment in India. This new impetus largely reflects a transformed geopolitical landscape since the last round of EU-India talks were abandoned in 2013. The increased tension between ...

The Council of the EU has authorised the European Commission to represent the EU and its Member States in the intergovernmental talks at the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), with a view to reforming the existing investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system. The latter provides a procedural framework for disputes between international investors and host states in relation to international investment agreements, and relies on arbitration procedures. The system has ...