
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 11 résultats

Artificial intelligence is changing the transport sector. From helping cars, trains, ships and aeroplanes to function autonomously, to making traffic flows smoother, it is already applied in numerous transport fields. Beyond making our lives easier, it can help to make all transport modes safer, cleaner, smarter and more efficient. Artificial intelligence-led autonomous transport could for instance help to reduce the human errors that are involved in many traffic accidents. However, with these opportunities ...

La présente note d’information a pour objet de fournir des informations en vue de la visite qu’une delegation de la commission du développement régional du Parlement européen effectuera en Slovénie, les 3, 4 et 5 avril 2018.

To enhance labour mobility, the European Commission proposed in 2016 to establish a common system of qualifications for workers on EU inland waterways, based on their competence. While the previous EU legislation applied only to boatmasters, the proposal introduced harmonised rules for all deck crew members and extended the scope of legislation to the previously excluded River Rhine. After interinstitutional negotiations concluded on 27 June 2017, the European Parliament adopted the agreed text on ...

The key focal points of the November I plenary session included debates on the rule of law in Malta and Poland and on the 'Paradise papers' revelations. Members adopted, inter alia, their positions ahead of the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference and the Eastern Partnership Summit. They also adopted resolutions on the new EU-Africa strategy and on the Ombudsman's activities in 2016. Parliament heard a formal address from Andrej Kiska, President of Slovakia, and finally, the 2017 LUX Prize was awarded ...

While inland navigation is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transport, it is not used to its full capacity. Apart from the need for significant infrastructure improvements, the sector is affected by limited labour mobility and shortage of qualified workers. To enhance labour mobility, the European Commission proposed to establish a common system of qualifications for workers on EU inland waterways, based on their competence. While the EU legislation currently applies only to ...

Dans le cadre de ses efforts pour réduire les émissions dues aux transports, l’Union entend tirer le meilleur parti de la navigation intérieure. À cette fin, il convient de remédier à la faible mobilité de la main-d’œuvre et à la pénurie de main-d’œuvre qualifiée dans le secteur. La proposition de directive vise à mettre en place un système de qualifications fondé sur les compétences pour les travailleurs sur l’ensemble des voies de navigation intérieure de l’Union. À terme, la nouvelle réglementation ...

Cette vue d’ensemble des secteurs des transports et du tourisme en Bulgarie a été préparée afin d’informer la mission de la commission des transports et du tourisme dans le pays du 18 au 20 septembre 2017.

While inland navigation is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transport, it is not used to its full capacity. Apart from the need for significant infrastructure improvements, the sector is affected by limited labour mobility and shortage of qualified workers. To enhance labour mobility, the European Commission proposes to establish a common system of qualifications for workers on EU inland waterways. While the EU legislation currently applies only to boatmasters, the proposal introduces ...

Les voies d'eau de l'Union sont aujourd'hui soumises à deux ensembles de règles techniques. Une proposition en cours d'examen vise à harmoniser les prescriptions techniques relatives à la délivrance de certificats de navigation aux bateaux de navigation intérieure, afin d'assurer un niveau de sécurité uniforme pour la navigation et d'éviter toute distorsion de concurrence.

The situation and prospects for this mode of transport are dealt with from the point of view of capacity control, competition and cabotage with particular reference to relations with the countries of Eastern Europe.