
Vos résultats

Affichage 6 de 6 résultats

On 1 March 2023, as part of the road safety package, the European Commission published a legislative proposal to help ensure EU-wide application of driving disqualifications. The proposal calls for increased cooperation, harmonisation of legislation, simplification of information exchange, capacity building, and improved public awareness efforts. In order to prevent impunity due to a lack of legislation, the proposal sets out rules to allow better EU-wide enforcement of driver disqualification decisions ...

On 1 March 2023, the European Commission published its legislative proposal on driving licences – a matter of EU competence – with the purpose of enabling the free movement of persons and goods throughout the EU by modernising the driving licence system. This involves making driving licence rules future-proof, improving road safety and simplifying the rules for those wanting to get a driving licence. The proposal provides for accompanied driving for young learners, zero tolerance for drink- driving ...

Training of professional drivers

Briefing 08-03-2018

The revision of existing provisions regarding the training of professional drivers was announced in the 2017 Commission Work Programme (in annex II covering REFIT initiatives). The initiative fits within the general framework regarding professional drivers of trucks and buses, and is closely related to road safety. It is also in line with the Commission’s 2011 Transport white paper and the 2010 communication ‘Towards a European road safety area: policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020’, which ...

Le 1er février 2017, la Commission européenne a adopté une proposition visant à réviser les dispositions existantes concernant la formation des conducteurs professionnels (conducteurs de poids lourds et d’autobus). Ladite proposition modifie la directive 2003/59/CE relative à la qualification initiale et à la formation continue des conducteurs de certains véhicules routiers affectés aux transports de marchandises ou de voyageurs, ainsi que la directive 2006/126/CE relative au permis de conduire, ...

Des efforts considérables ont été déployés pour l'élaboration de cette analyse d’impact; plusieurs années ont été consacrées à la recherche, à l’évaluation et aux consultations pour résoudre le problème du manque de données et de l’insuffisance des données probantes quantitatives. Si l’analyse d’impact reconnaît que ces efforts n’ont été que partiellement efficaces, elle n'étudie pas de solutions précises propres à permettre une collecte exhaustive des données. De manière générale, l’identification ...

Towards new tachograph rules

En bref 09-01-2014

Tachographs play a central role in road transport in the European Union (EU) through making competition between transporters fairer and roads safer for all users. The EP is now set to vote on proposals to update the rules on their use in the EU.