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Affichage 10 de 13 résultats

As of 1 January 2021, the new multiannual financial framework (MFF) that details the structure of EU finances up to 2027 started to apply, following publication of the MFF Regulation in the Official Journal. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the lengthy negotiations in the Council and European Council gained momentum when they became intertwined with the debate on the Next Generation EU recovery instrument. The European Parliament, which gave its consent on 16 December 2020, managed to obtain ...

The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) sets the maximum level of resources (‘ceiling’) for each major category (‘heading’) of EU spending for a period of seven years. In addition to a financial plan, it sets the EU’s long-term priorities. With the 2014-2020 MFF nearing its end, the EU is now in negotiations on the next long-term budget. In May 2018, the European Commission presented a package of legislative proposals for the 2021-2027 MFF. Equivalent to 1.11 % of EU-27 gross national income (GNI ...

L’instauration en 1988 des CFP dans le système budgétaire de l’Union européenne a renforcé la prévisibilité financière et facilité l’élaboration de programmes de dépenses pluriannuels mais a dû être contrebalancée par des mesures assurant une certaine flexibilité et la capacité à réagir aux situations imprévues. Au fil des années, ces instruments et mécanismes de flexibilité ont évolué et ont prouvé leur utilité. Les occasions d’y recourir ont été fréquentes, les crises et les défis auxquels l’Union ...

This paper forms part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. The mis-selling of mortgage loans that include floor clauses, foreign currencies (forex) clauses and related products is the subject of this research. We analyse the context, the handling of the problem in the most affected Member States (Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Spain) and its compatibility with EU law. We conclude with recommendations. This document was provided by Policy Department A ...

This study forms part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. The study reviews the EU legislative and regulatory framework for the marketing, sale and distribution of financial products to assess whether post-crisis EU regulatory reforms have met their objectives and, if not, what are the gaps and weaknesses in the current EU regulatory approach. The EU follows a sectoral approach to regulating the marketing and sale of financial products, which results in segmentation ...

This paper is part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. Retail financial markets across the EU have been upset by large-scale mis-selling of financial products to consumers. As part of a series of five studies on this topic, this paper examines the problem of mis-selling with a particular focus on consumer credit. It identifies the most problematic products and practices in consumer credit markets that may cause consumer detriment and shows some important limitations ...

This paper forms part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. The focus of this document is mis-selling of subordinated debt and other junior liabilities and weaknesses of MiFID. This report concludes that the mis-selling, essentially through self-placement, was due to violations of MiFID rules rather than weaknesses of the legislative scheme. The report includes proposals to strengthen the legislation and to provide compensation for retail investors. This document ...

This report investigates the impacts and feasibility of increasing the share of renewables beyond the proposed target of 27% for 2030 through a review of recent studies assessing the future energy system in the EU. The authors examine the impact of selected modelling input factors and modelling approaches on the determination of the optimal share of renewables. This document has been commissioned by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) of the ...

Pour les cinq notes d’information annexées, une méthodologie d’intégration de la dimension d’égalité hommes-femmes dans le budget a été spécialement élaborée afin d’analyser le CFP proposé pour 2014-2020 sous l’angle de l’égalité des entre les hommes et les femmes. Le CFP 2014-2020 revêt une importance primordiale dans le cadre de la crise économique et financière étant donné que le budget de l’UE devra financer la stratégie Europe 2020, qui se veut une cheville ouvrière du redressement. Malgré ...