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This publication analyses the current situation and key challenges with regard to housing affordability in the EU, as well as policies to ensure access to affordable housing at national and EU levels. After assessing the key trends, the authors also provide recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders on improving the affordability of housing. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Employment ...

This study analyses the current situation and key challenges with regard to housing affordability in the EU, as well as policies to ensure access to affordable housing at national and EU levels. After assessing the key trends, the authors also provide recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders on improving the affordability of housing. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Employment and ...

The 2016 Pact of Amsterdam launched the Urban Agenda for the European Union. Within its framework, partnerships of urban authorities, Member States and other stakeholders have developed action plans to achieve better funding, better knowledge and better regulation for the priority theme of their partnership. This study provides an overview and critical assessment of the current state of play including the position of the European Parliament. Two partnerships, (1) Sustainable Use of Land and Nature-based ...

This document is related to the study "Measures to promote the situation of Roma EU citizens in the European Union - Country reports" (see: PE 432 747).

La présente étude fournit une analyse critique des compétences des collectivités locales, de leurs instruments et de leur rôle dans la lutte contre les disparités sociales. Elle présente une description générale de la variété des structures des collectivités locales dans toute l’UE et se penche ensuite sur la manière dont lesdites collectivités relèvent certains défis politiques spécifiques. Cette recherche est illustrée au moyen d’études de cas portant sur 13 collectivités locales différentes, les ...

Présentation générale des politiques du logement mises en oeuvre dans 12 des Etats membres. Trois questions se posent: 1.Comment les politiques du logement contribuent-elles au bien-être des citoyens européens les plus démunis? 2.Existe-t-il des innovations améliorant la politique et les pratiques? 3.Quelle est l'influence de l'Union européenne sur la situation du logement?