
Vos résultats

Affichage 9 de 9 résultats

In October 2022, under the European Green Deal, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a recast of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive. Dating back to 1991, and instrumental to the achievement of European Union water policy objectives, the directive needs to be updated and adapted to new challenges and realities. The recast proposal would introduce new obligations to do more to control pollution due to rainwater, impose stricter standards for nutrient removal and require advanced treatment ...

As required by EU water legislation, and in line with the European Green Deal's zero pollution ambition, on 26 October 2022 the European Commission tabled a proposal to revise the lists of surface water and groundwater pollutants that need to be monitored and controlled for the purpose of protection of EU freshwater bodies, and the associated environmental quality standards. The proposal also seeks to remedy shortcomings identified in the current framework as regards chemical pollution in waters, ...

Une eau propre est essentielle pour la santé des écosystèmes et pour de nombreuses utilisations humaines, notamment pour boire et se baigner ainsi que pour l’agriculture. Pendant sa session plénière de septembre, le Parlement européen devrait adopter sa position sur une proposition de la Commission visant à réviser les listes des polluants chimiques qui doivent être surveillés et contrôlés dans les masses d’eau douce de l’Union, ainsi que les normes de qualité environnementale qui y sont associées ...

The impact assessment is informed by the findings of the European Commission's fitness check of the water directives, in line with the Better Regulation Guidelines' 'evaluate first' principle. The IA's strong points include a dynamic baseline that takes into account the likely changes to emissions, the current and proposed legislation, and external factors. The IA proposed a satisfactory range of options and was transparent in reporting the limitations of assessing the costs and benefits, which depend ...

The impact assessment's strong points include a well-substantiated problem definition, an evidence base that appears to be recent and relevant, and a broad stakeholder consultation, the results of which were put to good use. However, the report's weak points limit its potential to inform decision-making clearly. Firstly, there appears to be a mismatch between the problem description, the objectives and the options of the IA. Secondly, the IA does not explain in sufficient detail why no alternatives ...

Since its adoption in 1991, the main objective of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive has been the protection of the environment from the adverse effects of urban waste water discharges. While the directive has not been revised until now, recent developments – such as contaminants of emerging concern, increasing heavy rainfalls and adoption of stricter rules in some Member States – have rendered its evaluation necessary. This briefing offers an overview of the evaluation of this directive as ...

Cette étude, commandée par le département thématique des droits des citoyens et des affaires constitutionnelles pour la commission des pétitions, donne un aperçu du cadre juridique et environnemental dans lequel a lieu la mesure des émissions d’azote dans l’eau au sein de l’Union, et de la manière dont la Commission européenne s’assure que les systèmes de surveillance et leurs résultats sont comparables dans l’ensemble de l’Union.

Les écosystèmes d’eau douce sont dotés d’une biodiversité particulièrement riche et fournissent d’importants services écosystémiques. La persistance de polluants ne cesse toutefois de susciter des inquiétudes en matière de santé publique, ainsi que de conservation de la nature. Les masses d’eau de surface et souterraines sont menacées par la présence de substances synthétiques ou naturelles qui peuvent avoir une incidence négative sur le milieu aquatique et la santé humaine. L’augmentation de la ...