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Roaming Regulation review

Briefing 02-05-2022

The Roaming Regulation established the 'roam like at home' (RLAH) rule that mandated the end of retail mobile roaming charges as of 15 June 2017 in all EU Member States and EEA countries. The regulation is currently in force until 30 June 2022. The application of the RLAH rule has been a success, boosting the use of mobile devices while travelling to other EU/EEA countries. For instance, the use of data roaming increased 17 times in the summer of 2019 compared with the summer preceding the abolition ...

Afin de garantir aux consommateurs qu'ils pourront continuer de communiquer librement dans n’importe quel État membre sans surfacturation, la Commission européenne a proposé le 24 février 2022 une refonte du règlement sur l’itinérance. Le nouveau règlement prolongerait le régime d'itinérance aux tarifs nationaux pour dix ans, jusqu’en 2032. Le Parlement européen devrait se prononcer sur l’accord conclu dans le cadre des négociations interinstitutionnelles pendant la plénière de mars.

In July 2021, the ECB's target was revised, specifying that the 2 % inflation rate threshold should be applied symmetrically and with a medium-term orientation. We argue that a symmetric inflation target can significantly contribute to anchoring inflation expectations and to limiting the risks due to the zero- and/or effective-lower bound constraints. The monetary policy strategy revision will play a key role in the policy mix between fiscal and monetary policies for the post-pandemic recovery. ...

In this paper we briefly review the macroeconomic theory of inflation, relating it to the recent developments in the advanced economies. Then, we analyse the drivers of the rise in inflation observed in 2021 in the United States and in Europe, and we illustrate the factors that may affect the inflationary scenario of the advanced economies in the longer term. Finally, we discuss what challenges the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank have to meet in the face of current inflationary pressures ...

This briefing finds that the Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the regulation proposal (recast) on roaming is based on sound data and broad stakeholder consultations. Besides qualitative assessment, the IA presents also quantified estimates. The REFIT cost savings are only partially quantified. Further explanations would have benefited the analysis in the comparison of policy options.

The Roaming Regulation established the ‘Roam-Like-At-Home’ (RLAH) rule that mandated the end of retail roaming charges as of 15 June 2017 in the EU. The Regulation will be in force until 30 June 2022. In 2021, the European Commission would review the Regulation, assessing its effects and the need to prolong it. The analysis of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) shows that a regulatory intervention is still necessary to ensure the EU citizens can continue to benefit ...

This study analyses the current situation and key challenges with regard to housing affordability in the EU, as well as policies to ensure access to affordable housing at national and EU levels. After assessing the key trends, the authors also provide recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders on improving the affordability of housing. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Employment and ...

Le règlement relatif à l'itinérance a contribué aux efforts en cours visant à créer un "continent connecté" et un marché unique numérique fonctionnant correctement. Par l'intermédiaire de diverses modifications apportées au règlement initial de 2007 relatif à l'itinérance, la Commission et les colégislateurs ont progressivement réduit les frais supplémentaires liés aux appels entrants et sortants, aux SMS envoyés et reçus, et à l'utilisation de données sur un téléphone mobile pendant un voyage dans ...