
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 29 résultats

La législation en vigueur de l’UE permet actuellement aux entreprises de transport d’utiliser des véhicules loués mais les États membres sont également en mesure de limiter cette possibilité. En 2017, la Commission européenne a proposé d’assouplir ces restrictions. Lors de sa période de session d’avril, le Parlement européen est amené à examiner en deuxième lecture l’adaptation des règles convenues avec le Conseil. Le texte pourrait ainsi conférer aux transporteurs une plus grande souplesse tout ...

New rules regulating the air services are expected by the end of year. The basic legal act organising the internal EU aviation market, namely Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008, is expected to be revised by the European Commission, after being evaluated in 2019.

The Airports Charges Directive 2009/12/EC is the main legislative act regulating the essential features of airport charges. Airport charges are the charges that the airlines pay to the airports for using their infrastructure and facilities. The two main issues that the directive aims to tackle are the risk that some airports might set prices and terms that are not in line with a competitive market, and the diverging and non-transparent charging systems in the Member States. If the evaluation of the ...

Training of professional drivers

Briefing 08-03-2018

The revision of existing provisions regarding the training of professional drivers was announced in the 2017 Commission Work Programme (in annex II covering REFIT initiatives). The initiative fits within the general framework regarding professional drivers of trucks and buses, and is closely related to road safety. It is also in line with the Commission’s 2011 Transport white paper and the 2010 communication ‘Towards a European road safety area: policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020’, which ...

Le 1er février 2017, la Commission européenne a adopté une proposition visant à réviser les dispositions existantes concernant la formation des conducteurs professionnels (conducteurs de poids lourds et d’autobus). Ladite proposition modifie la directive 2003/59/CE relative à la qualification initiale et à la formation continue des conducteurs de certains véhicules routiers affectés aux transports de marchandises ou de voyageurs, ainsi que la directive 2006/126/CE relative au permis de conduire, ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above proposal, submitted on 31 May 2017 and referred to Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN). The existing legislative framework regulating European cabotage operations (the national carriage of goods for hire or reward carried out by non-resident hauliers on a temporary basis in a host Member State) was adopted in 2009 (Regulations ...

Des efforts considérables ont été déployés pour l'élaboration de cette analyse d’impact; plusieurs années ont été consacrées à la recherche, à l’évaluation et aux consultations pour résoudre le problème du manque de données et de l’insuffisance des données probantes quantitatives. Si l’analyse d’impact reconnaît que ces efforts n’ont été que partiellement efficaces, elle n'étudie pas de solutions précises propres à permettre une collecte exhaustive des données. De manière générale, l’identification ...

Ports have always been an important asset to Europe, serving as gateways to the rest of the world and as connection points to rivers across European territory. For centuries, ports and their cities developed hand in hand, the port generating prosperity for the city. This has changed with the industrial revolution, globalisation and the rapid development of containerisation. Most ports moved out of their cities and their mutual relationship began to suffer. Today, this relationship experiences a new ...

In the early 20th century, rail was by far the most important mode for hauling goods across Europe. Since then, the freight market has undergone profound changes. In 2014, rail accounted for less than 12 % of all freight in the EU, while its main competitor, road haulage, achieved roughly a 50 % market share. This development entailed environmental concerns, road being considered more detrimental to the environment than rail. In the context of a predicted increase in freight transport, the EU has ...

Le transport routier: international et de cabotage

Fiches thématiques sur l’UE 01-03-2017

Suite à l'adoption de plusieurs actes législatifs européens, tant les transports routiers internationaux que le cabotage des marchandises et des personnes ont été progressivement libéralisés.