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Affichage 10 de 144 résultats

Enhanced and more focused cooperation between the European Union (EU) and member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has become a priority for the EU, with a view to jointly addressing a series of global and regional challenges. Building on strong ties established over decades of a close trading and investment relationship, the EU is now seeking to put relations on a more secure footing, with new impetus and a much broader scope. A joint communication on a strategic partnership with the ...

Africa-EU trade relations have a longstanding tradition. The EU remains the biggest trading and investment partner for most African countries, especially for those implementing Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs) with the EU. The workshop shall provide a data-based discussion of the impact of current EPAs on economic regional development (and recent trends on intraregional economic integration in Africa) as well as an overview of EU's sustainable investment facilitation agreements negotiated with ...

Lors de la période de session de juin II, le Parlement européen va se pencher sur les moyens de favoriser des relations commerciales éthiques et durables avec les pays africains, dans un contexte de difficultés mondiales aggravées par la pandémie de coronavirus et la guerre menée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine.

The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is the main tool for bringing Ukraine and the EU closer together: it promotes deeper political ties, stronger economic links and the respect for common values. The Agreement was negotiated between 2007 and 2011, signed in 2014, and entered into force on 1 September 2017 after unanimous ratification by EU Member States. The Association Agreement includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between the EU and Ukraine that has been provisionally applied ...

Up until Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the EU and Russia were important trade partners trading in a wide variety of goods, including agri-food products. Russia was the fifth largest importer of EU goods in 2020, despite the disruption of trade relations caused by the first Ukraine crisis in 2014. Furthermore, Russia is a major global exporter of several commodities, including sunflower oil, wheat and barley.

Depuis le début de sa transition politique dans les années 1980, Taïwan est devenu une démocratie dynamique et a également rejoint les rangs des pays à revenu élevé. Les relations économiques entre l’UE et Taïwan sont florissantes, comme l’illustre le fait que l’UE est la principale source d’investissements directs étrangers à Taïwan. Le Parlement européen a demandé à plusieurs reprises à l’UE d’entreprendre les premières démarches en vue d’un accord bilatéral d’investissement. Au cours de sa période ...

In December 2020, the European Commission proposed the creation of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC), to facilitate trade, expand investment, develop compatible standards, boost innovation and strengthen the partners' technological and industrial leadership. The TTC also aims to 'lead values-based digital transformation'. Meanwhile, trade between the EU and US continues and is as important as ever, manifested in the fact that, together, they form the largest bilateral economic relationship ...

This in-depth analysis summarizes the main effects of the Customs Union (CU) on EU-Turkey trade and the economic situation in Turkey. Whereas the CU offers Turkey several economic benefits, it also implies some downsides, in particular asymmetric tariffs in relation to third countries. Against the background of the dynamic development of EU-Turkey relations, the authors assess the impact of four different options for developing EU-Turkey economic and trade relations: (i) Continuation of the current ...

Depuis l’investiture de Joe Biden à la présidence des États-Unis en janvier 2021, la relation transatlantique a fait l’objet d’un considérable regain d’enthousiasme et d’activité politique. La présente étude aborde trois grandes questions du programme politique transatlantique, lequel évolue rapidement, en étudiant les potentialités qu’elles offrent pour créer, dans les faits, de nouveaux «biens communs mondiaux» pendant le mandat de Joe Biden. Sont premièrement abordées les pistes pour élaborer ...

L’accord d’association constitue le principal cadre des relations entre l’Union et l’Ukraine. Il favorise la coopération économique et politique, ainsi que le respect des valeurs communes. Le Parlement européen doit examiner un rapport d’initiative sur sa mise en œuvre au cours de sa période de session de février.