
Vos résultats

Affichage 6 de 6 résultats

Access to housing in the EU has become problematic in recent years. Demography and urbanisation-related structural factors, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, soaring energy prices, the cost-of-living crisis and (already high) housing prices that keep rising are preventing many people from accessing decent housing solutions. The lack of affordable housing supply only adds to this situation. These difficulties affect not only low- but now also middle-income households, as ...

'Vulnerable social groups' are groups of people considered to be at risk of poverty or social exclusion because of physical disabilities, age factors, ethnic origins, lack of housing, or substance abuse. These people, who were already struggling with financial, social and employment difficulties before the 2008 economic crisis, have become further disadvantaged, and the gap between them and the rest of society has grown even wider. Three subgroups stand out as being most affected by the European ...

En 2010, dans le cadre de la stratégie Europe 2020, les États membres ont convenu d'un objectif visant à réduire de 20 millions le nombre de personnes confrontées à la pauvreté et à l'exclusion sociale d'ici à 2020, pour passer de 116,4 millions de personnes à 96,4 millions au cours de la décennie. Malheureusement, depuis que la stratégie a été adoptée, l'Union européenne s'est écartée de cet objectif: par rapport à 2008, il y a désormais 6,7 millions de personnes de plus touchées par la pauvreté ...

Launched in 2014, the FEAD helps support Europe's most vulnerable citizens. Worth a total of €3.5 billion for the 2014-20 period, this assistance includes food, clothing and essential goods along with activities promoting social inclusion.

Women and Poverty in the European Union

Analyse approfondie 01-12-2004

This note aims at defining the main risk factors of poverty for women in the European Union and at identifying the groups that are particularly at risk. It has to be underlined that some data are not available for the new Member States

Présentation générale des politiques du logement mises en oeuvre dans 12 des Etats membres. Trois questions se posent: 1.Comment les politiques du logement contribuent-elles au bien-être des citoyens européens les plus démunis? 2.Existe-t-il des innovations améliorant la politique et les pratiques? 3.Quelle est l'influence de l'Union européenne sur la situation du logement?