
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 77 résultats

This study assesses the needs and vulnerabilities of the EU in accessing Critical Raw Materials needed for the green and digital transitions considering the changed geopolitical context. It identifies at which stage of the supply chain, from raw materials to components, the European industrial eco-system depends on imports. It reviews the criticality assessment methodology to account for the changed geopolitical context and future demand from decarbonisation. Finally, it evaluates the potential of ...

This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

In 2022, most global renewable power growth will consist of photovoltaic (PV) solar energy. In its 2021 industrial strategy, the European Commission acknowledged the need for a more strategic approach to renewable energies. As Member States seek to diversify away from Russian fossil fuels following the invasion of Ukraine, they should avoid exacerbating dependencies on solar panels manufactured in China.

Critical raw materials are essential to sustain Europe's economic and environmental ambitions. As geoeconomic aggression and geopolitical tensions rise, the EU is re-thinking its reliance on certain imports. Can the EU secure its supply of critical materials?

The proposed European chips act, presented by the European Commission in February 2022, aims to mobilise €43 billion in 'policy-driven investment' for the EU's semiconductor sector by 2030. The Commission expects long-term private investment to exceed this. The plan serves to enable immediate EU coordination against supply disruptions, strengthen and scale up production and innovation throughout the EU semiconductor value chain, and further enhance the Union's technological leadership, practical ...

While business tax incentives are used widely, concerns have been raised in recent years regarding their effectiveness, their impact on public finances and whether they could potentially distort the EU single market. With important innovation challenges ahead relating to the green and digital twin transition, tax incentives are increasingly being used to boost investment in the area of research and development.

État de l’Union des PME

En bref 02-06-2021

Au cours de la session plénière de juin I 2021, le Parlement tiendra une discussion commune sur «l’état de l’Union des PME» et sur les efforts visant à réduire la charge administrative pesant sur les micro, petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), dans le cadre du programme pour une meilleure réglementation récemment mis à jour.

Lithium and cobalt (used in rechargeable batteries) and rare earth elements (used in wind turbines) are some of the critical raw materials (CRMs) – raw materials of critical importance – for the EU. Global demand for CRMs is rising, yet the export restrictions imposed by the resource-rich countries intensify the competition for these materials. To boost its access to CRMs, the EU has a dedicated strategy based on three pillars: two internal ones (increasing domestic sourcing and circularity) and ...

Après les nombreux débats et déclarations de principe qui ont jalonné ces dernières années, le temps est venu d’organiser un débat plus structuré sur l’avenir du développement de l’Europe. La conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe annoncée par Ursula von der Leyen, présidente de la Commission, dans son discours inaugural, s’ouvrira sous peu, après une longue période de stagnation liée non seulement au changement de priorités entraîné par la pandémie de coronavirus, mais aussi à de longues négociations ...

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.