
Vos résultats

Affichage 5 de 5 résultats

In view of the upcoming review of the EU Common Position 944/2008/CFSP on arms exports, the aim of the workshop was to provide an overview of the context in which this process will take place together with a set of possible outcomes the review could produce. The speakers from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), first defined the context by describing how, since the EU Common Position was adopted in 2008, EU member states performed in terms of military expenditure, arms production ...

La position commune de l'Union sur les exportations d'armements constitue la seule disposition juridique contraignante à l'échelle régionale sur les exportations d'armes classiques. Si la position commune a renforcé l'échange d'informations et la transparence en matière d'exportations d'armements par les États membres, il est encore néanmoins possible de faire converger davantage les politiques nationales et d'appliquer plus rigoureusement les critères définis dans la position commune. Le Parlement ...

The aim of the workshop was to provide an overview of the EU arms export control system as well as options for improvement. The main speaker, Dr Sibylle Bauer, Director of the Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control Programme at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), provided a brief overview of the main elements of the EU Common Position 2008/944/CFSP and then focused on aspects related to strengthening implementation of the eight criteria of the Common Position, the enhancement of ...

La position commune de l'Union sur les exportations d'armements constitue la seule disposition juridique contraignante à l'échelle régionale sur les exportations d'armes classiques. Si la position commune a renforcé l'échange d'informations et la transparence en matière d'exportations d'armements par les États membres, il est encore néanmoins possible de faire converger davantage les politiques nationales d'exportations d'armements et d'appliquer plus rigoureusement les critères définis dans la position ...

The European Union (EU) is the only regional organisation to have set up a legally binding arrangement on conventional arms exports. Nevertheless, concerns have been raised about differing national interpretations and applications of the common position, as EU Member States remain responsible for its implementation .