
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 30 résultats

The European Union is strongly opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances, and fighting it is a foremost priority of its external human rights policy. While most countries in the world have abolished capital punishment, death sentences continue to be handed down and carried out in a number of countries. The Union uses its diplomatic and political weight to encourage these countries to join the abolitionist ranks, or at the very least to respect international minimum standards. It funds campaigns ...

Peru: Human rights situation

En bref 14-02-2017

Although Peru has ratified most international human rights instruments, there remain some serious problems, such as violent repression of civil demonstrations, attacks on journalists, corruption and impunity, and even torture. However, significant measures have been taken to tackle violence against women and sexual minorities.

The EU is committed to fighting torture and use of the death penalty throughout the world. Both phenomena continue to afflict a significant number of countries, and trade in torture tools is booming. One of the most important measures taken by the EU has been its 2005 Regulation imposing restrictions in trade in torture tools. Despite some visible effects, it has been repeatedly criticised for loopholes which allow trade in goods that could be used for torture, executions and other ill-treatment, ...

Le renforcement du règlement de 2005 interdisant le commerce de certains biens susceptibles d'être utilisés à des fins de torture ou d'exécution dans les pays tiers doit faire l'objet d'un vote lors de la session plénière d'octobre, à la suite d'un compromis conclu en trilogue qui comprend la plupart des recommandations du Parlement. Le rapport de la commission du commerce international (INTA), examiné en plénière en octobre 2015, avait constaté que les propositions initiales de la Commission n'étaient ...

The EU is committed to fighting torture and use of the death penalty throughout the world. Both phenomena continue to afflict a significant number of countries, and trade in torture tools is booming in the world. One of the most important measures taken by the EU has been its 2005 Regulation imposing restrictions in trade in torture tools. Despite some visible effects, it has been repeatedly criticised for loopholes which allow trade in goods that could be used for torture, executions and other ill-treatment ...

Le règlement de 2005 de l'Union européenne concernant le commerce de certains biens susceptibles d'être utilisés en vue d'infliger la peine capitale ou la torture n'a pas réussi à éradiquer totalement la participation d'entreprises ayant leur siège dans l'Union européenne à ce commerce. Le règlement actualisé proposé par la Commission va maintenant être soumis aux votes en plénière en première lecture.

US counter-terrorism strategy continues to be at the centre of public attention, with the recent drone strike, killing Yemeni al Quaeda leader Nasir al-Wuhayshi on 16 June 2015. The US government relies on a wide range of tools, inter alia intelligence, law enforcement and foreign policy. US measures to bring terrorists to justice are still being debated and slowly redefined, primarily through court rulings assessing their compatibility with US constitutional law. The United States' criminal ...

PDF Version The human rights situation in Venezuela has deteriorated significantly, due to increased political confrontation and an economy in rapid decline. Criticism regarding human rights from non-governmental, regional and international organisations has intensified. The government, while it has admitted some abuse, has done little to hold those responsible to account.

The human rights situation in Bangladesh has been continually worsening, and what makes it even more alarming is that the state is largely responsible for this. In its September 2014 session, the European Parliament adopted a very detailed resolution expressing its deep concern over human rights violations and working conditions in the country.

Uzbekistan's human rights record is widely decried. A UN report has described the use of torture as 'systematic'. An EP resolution calls on the EU High Representative, the EEAS and EU Member States to push Uzbekistan to make tangible human rights improvements.