
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 33 résultats

This At a glance note summaries the study on Training and social security schemes for fishers. The study presents the current state of play of the mutual recognition of certificates of competency of EU fishers and the functioning of the social security schemes that cover them. Based on the analysis of these topics, the study discusses the impact of the current situation on the mobility of fishers, on the fishing sector’s working risks and security and ultimately on the attractiveness of the fishing ...

Le présent document est le résumé de l’étude «La formation et les régimes de sécurité sociale des pêcheurs — État des lieux et perspectives dans l’UE». L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

This briefing provides a pre-legislative synthesis of the positions of national, regional and local governmental organisations on the European Commission's forthcoming recommendation on the recognition of qualifications of third-country (non-EU) nationals. It forms part of an EPRS series offering a summary of the pre-legislative state-of-play and advance consultation on a range of key European Commission priorities during its 5-year term in office. It outlines the current state of affairs, examines ...

Depuis plusieurs années, l’Union européenne s’est donné pour priorité d’attirer des migrants hautement qualifiés en Europe. Néanmoins, elle n’a pas encore rencontré le même succès que d’autres pays de l’OCDE. La demande en main-d’œuvre devrait augmenter, étant donné que certaines compétences viennent de plus en plus à manquer et que la population européenne vieillit. Une nouvelle directive proposée en 2016 devrait remplacer la directive «carte bleue» de 2009 et ainsi rendre plus attrayant le dispositif ...

An overview of the main findings and recommendations of the study "Labour mobility and recognition in the regulated professions" prepared for the Committee on Employment and Social affairs (EMPL).

This study analyses the impact on labour mobility and employment of the 2013 revision of the Professional Qualifications Directive (DIR 2005/36) and related EU initiatives. It analyses trends in mobility and recognition, focussing on the health sector and four country case studies- Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Romania. It reports findings from consultations with stakeholders at EU and national level and highlights best practice. This document was provided by Policy Department A at the request ...

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Training of professional drivers

Briefing 08-03-2018

The revision of existing provisions regarding the training of professional drivers was announced in the 2017 Commission Work Programme (in annex II covering REFIT initiatives). The initiative fits within the general framework regarding professional drivers of trucks and buses, and is closely related to road safety. It is also in line with the Commission’s 2011 Transport white paper and the 2010 communication ‘Towards a European road safety area: policy orientations on road safety 2011-2020’, which ...

Le 1er février 2017, la Commission européenne a adopté une proposition visant à réviser les dispositions existantes concernant la formation des conducteurs professionnels (conducteurs de poids lourds et d’autobus). Ladite proposition modifie la directive 2003/59/CE relative à la qualification initiale et à la formation continue des conducteurs de certains véhicules routiers affectés aux transports de marchandises ou de voyageurs, ainsi que la directive 2006/126/CE relative au permis de conduire, ...

To enhance labour mobility, the European Commission proposed in 2016 to establish a common system of qualifications for workers on EU inland waterways, based on their competence. While the previous EU legislation applied only to boatmasters, the proposal introduced harmonised rules for all deck crew members and extended the scope of legislation to the previously excluded River Rhine. After interinstitutional negotiations concluded on 27 June 2017, the European Parliament adopted the agreed text on ...