
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 10 résultats

Le 27 avril 2023, la Commission a présenté sa proposition de règlement relatif aux brevets essentiels à des normes (BEN). Le vote du Parlement sur le rapport adopté par sa commission des affaires juridiques (JURI) est attendu au cours de la seconde période de session de février 2024. Ce rapport constituerait la position du Parlement sur cette proposition pour les négociations en trilogue avec le Conseil.

The proposals to amend Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 (the Community Design Regulation) and in parallel to recast Directive 98/71/EC (the Design Directive) aim to align the design protection system in the EU with the digital age and make it more accessible and efficient for applicants. In terms of digitalisation, the proposed update of the requirements for representing designs would allow applicants to file new digital design types (e.g. by using 3D printing technologies). In terms of efficiency ...

The problem definition appears to be well supported by evidence. The impact assessment provides a sufficient range and description of the options. However, the five options are cumulative; it is questionable whether they fully qualify as alternative options under the Better Regulation Guidelines. The assessment of the options' impacts (economic, social, environmental, fundamental rights) is qualitative and quantitative. It appears to be based on sound research and analysis, with clear acknowledgement ...

The scope of the problem could have been defined in more precise terms. Furthermore, it remains unclear how the proposed options could help achieve one of the two general objectives of the initiative namely enabling or building an online European identity as the options (including the preferred one) are mostly concerned with the technical improvements of the regulatory framework. Stakeholder views do not appear to be fully reflected in the report and it is unclear how they fed into the IA. A more ...

Intellectual property (IP) lies at the heart of innovation and competitiveness around the world as well as in the European Union, and intellectual property rights (IPRs) are protected mainly through patents, trade marks and copyright. IPRs enable individuals and companies to earn recognition and/or financial benefit from what they invent or create. By striking the right balance between innovators and public interest, IP aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish ...

The EU Trademark reform package

Briefing 14-12-2015

The Commission, the Council and the European Parliament (EP) have reached a second-reading agreement on the trademark reform package. Following the Legal Affairs Committee reports adopted on 3 December 2015, the EP plenary is set to approve the amended legislation and the renaming of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) as 'European Union Intellectual Property Office'. In March 2013, the Commission presented a package of proposals for amending the Trademark Regulation and ...

La Commission, le Conseil et le Parlement européen (PE) sont parvenus à un accord en deuxième lecture sur le paquet proposé en vue de réformer le système des marques. Le Conseil a accepté un grand nombre des amendements introduits par le Parlement européen. Après l'adoption, le 3 décembre 2015, des rapports de la commission des affaires juridiques, la plénière s'apprête désormais à approuver la législation modifiée ainsi que le remplacement de la dénomination "Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché ...

The legal framework for trademarks in the EU is based on the coexistence of national trademarks systems, harmonised by a Directive since 1988, and a unitary Community Trademark, introduced in 1994 by a Regulation. In March 2013 the Commission adopted a reform package for EU trademark law.

This study analyses the determination of fees, the treatment of budgetary surpluses and the discharge procedure of the two fully self-financed EU agencies, namely the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) and the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM). In this regard, it describes the current legal situation and discusses issues such as governance structures and rules on fee determination and the treatment of surpluses. The study presents and examines current ...

La présente note a pour objectif de fournir une première analyse des points forts et des faiblesses de l'analyse d'impact de la Commission européenne accompagnant les propositions suivantes, présentées le 27 mars 2013 : proposition de la Commission de règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil modifiant le règlement (CE) no 207/2009 sur la marque communautaire (COM (2013) 161); et proposition de la Commission de directive du Parlement européen et du Conseil rapprochant les législations des États ...