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Digital Services Act

Étude 01-10-2020

E-commerce is an essential part of the economy and of consumers shopping habits. It can support EU citizens in accessing services more easily and businesses reaching customers more targeted. The E-commerce Directive has been an important column of digital services. Still, there is need for amending the current regulation. This EAVA accompanies two European Parliament's own-initiative legislative reports by JURI and IMCO asking the Commission for legislative actions to implement a digital services ...

The EU can become a global standard-setter in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) ethics. Common EU legislative action on ethical aspects of AI could boost the internal market and establish an important strategic advantage. While numerous public and private actors around the globe have produced ethical guidelines in this field, there is currently no comprehensive legal framework. The EU can profit from the absence of a competing global governance model and gain full 'first mover' advantages. ...

The European Implementation Assessment (EIA) evaluates the implementation of the EU association agreement (EU AA), including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), with the Republic of Moldova. The EIA presents progress and challenges in the implementation of reforms in this Eastern Partnership country since July 2018, when a previous report was published, until now. The EIA consists of two parts, an opening analysis prepared internally by the DG EPRS and a briefing paper prepared ...

Le secteur de l’élevage bovin revêt une grande importance économique pour le secteur agricole européen, où la productivité est très hétérogène. Dans un proche avenir, il faudra s’attendre à une offre de lait et de viande bovine encore plus importante. Pour éviter une chute des prix à la ferme, il est nécessaire de favoriser une plus grande différenciation des produits à l’échelle de l’Union, un accroissement des possibilities d’exportation ainsi qu’une indemnisation au titre de services environnementaux ...

The aim of the study is to provide the Members of the Parliament's Fisheries Committee with a clear description of the corporate structure of the EU seafood industry (fishing, processing and the retail market). It provides a description of both the horizontal and vertical integration in the industry through the use of case studies. The research utilised both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in order to provide an in-depth and nuanced picture of integration in EU fisheries.

Human rights benchmarks are points of references against which the EU’s external policy can be measured by means of regular, timely and systematically applied human rights indicators. Quantitative and qualitative indicators can identify benchmarks for EU’s policy vis-à-vis third countries as well as internally. The briefing paper is a technical summary how to develop indicators and benchmarks and consequently apply them to the needs of EU policy mechanisms. It is recommended to develop human rights ...

Cette étude analyse la place des énergies durables et renouvelables dans la période de programmation 2000-2006 des Fonds structurels, en se basant sur les programmes opérationnels des différents États membres ainsi que les exemples de bonnes pratiques. Elle fait également état des principales mesures relatives aux énergies durables et renouvelables présentes dans les Cadres de Référence Stratégiques Nationaux et décrit une série de propositions destinées à améliorer l’utilisation des Fonds structurels ...