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Affichage 10 de 14 résultats

L'Union européenne a apporté son soutien aux biocarburants, en particulier en vue de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans les transports routiers. Toutefois, la politique actuelle a été souvent critiquée, y compris par le Parlement européen, parce qu'elle ne tient pas compte des émissions dues au changement indirect dans l'affectation des sols. La Commission a présenté une proposition législative en octobre 2012 pour pallier cette lacune. Les négociations en seconde lecture avec le ...

The use of biofuels in transport is being promoted as a means of tackling climate change, diversifying energy sources and securing energy supply. Biofuels production also provides new options for using agricultural crops. However, it also gives rise to environmental, social and economic concerns which are the subject of intense debate worldwide. This study provides a detailed overview of biofuels production and consumption and of related policies worldwide. It also contains comprehensive analysis ...

In 2003, the European Union established a biofuels support policy, primarily with the aim of lowering CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Critics have accused this policy of inducing indirect land use change (ILUC), which triggers an increase in global food prices and in food insecurity for the poor, promotes the creation of large land holdings and the use of available ('marginal') land in developing countries, and not least, boosts carbon emissions. Most research carried out recently suggests ...

La présente note a pour objectif de fournir une première analyse des forces et des faiblesses de l'analyse d'impact de la Commission accompagnant la proposition de directive du Parlement européen et du Conseil modifiant la directive 98/70/CE concernant la qualité de l'essence et des carburants diesel et modifiant la directive 2009/28/CE relative à la promotion de l'utilisation de l'énergie produite à partir de sources renouvelables. Elle n'a pas vocation à examiner le contenu de la proposition ...

Further to the publication of a new legislative proposal addressing the emissions from indirect land-use change (ILUC) and amending the Directives on Fuel Quality (Directive 98/70/EC) and Renewable Energy (Directive 2009/28/EC) by the European Commission in October 2012, the Coordinators of the ENVI Committee requested the organisation of a workshop on this issue. The workshop consisted of an exchange of views with representatives of EU institutions, research institutes, biofuels industry, NGOs and ...

Pyrolysis technology has been assessed in this report based on an examination of the costs, the benefits, the barriers to market uptake, and the potential for EU funding to contribute to innovation and/or technology deployment. Given the benefits associated with the application of biochar to soils, here we consider how it can be utilised in the context of on-farm mitigation options. Looking at application of the technology from this perspective helps underline the importance of local context and ...

Les questions liées à la propriété foncière ont un impact profond sur la réduction de la pauvreté et la création de richesses dans les pays en développement. La présente étude examine d’abord différents systèmes de propriété foncière dans le monde en développement. Elle accorde une attention particulière à la façon dont les différences d’accès à la propriété foncière affectent le développement. Elle examine ensuite l’hypothèse selon laquelle la propriété foncière accroît la productivité par le biais ...

This study examines the effects of the EU biofuel policy on European agriculture. The requirements in terms of feedstock and arable land of the EU biofuel targets have been evaluated by assuming scenarios of different price levels for agricultural commodities and the possibility of the EU biofuel industry to be alternatively supplied by European crops or through import. The research has also investigated the technical adaptation of agricultural holdings, the consequences of the prospective CAP changes ...

This note analyzes the impacts of biofuels on the environment and on food security in Brazil. The Brazilian biofuels industry is a world leader and currently 40% of vehicle come from ethanol from cane. Since 1990 over 42 M Ha of Brazilian forest have been lost but it cannot be on account of biofuel. In other hand, there is little evidence that biofuels cause hunger: prices of most food in Brazil have been falling compared to the general price since 1994. In addition, the biofuel industry provides ...

This paper provides a brief overview of the relation of biofuels with land use changes and impacts on food security.