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Reviews of existing legislation provide an evidence-based assessment of the performance of policies and legislation. Review findings support political decision-making and inform the design of possible future revisions. The systematic review of legislation has become a key policy-making tool at EU level, most notably in the context of the EU's better regulation agenda. This rolling check-list has been published periodically since 2014. It contributes to the European Parliament's scrutiny of the European ...

The paper distinguishes two contrasting models of accountability, one based on principal-agent relations, which is backward-looking, the other a dynamic and forward-looking model. The paper argues that this second model of accountability is more appropriate for independent bodies like the ECB/SSM and the SRB, operating in technically complex, rapidly evolving environments under conditions of high uncertainty, where parliaments and other political authorities have very limited sanctioning powers. ...

This contribution covers the development of European administrative law, in particular the changes which the Treaty of Lisbon has brought about. Next to a growing amount of secondary law EU administrative law has been mainly shaped by the Court of Justice of the European Union. However, it still lacks a coherent structure. The author, thus, pleads for the codification of the major rules on administrative procedures in particular in the field of indirect implementation of European law – on a yet to ...

La lutte contre le financement du terrorisme contribue à la lutte contre le terrorisme (actes terroristes et organisations terroristes). Les « législations » européennes et internationales en matière de financement du terrorisme sont nombreuses et les initiatives prises dans ce domaine se sont surtout multipliées depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Les principaux acteurs, Nations unies, Conseil de l’Europe, Groupe d’action financière et Union européenne, ont envisagé la question du financement ...

This study seeks to identify the policy and legal instruments enabling better transparency, democracy and division of powers to be achieved within the EU. After analysing the current relations between the Member States and the EU it proposes alternative solutions in particular on the balance of powers.